
What exactly does he mean when he says I dont think I can give you the attention you deserve?

by  |  earlier

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Hi I met this guy a month ago everything was great we would text each other every day and talk sometimes we live in two different states but recently ever since last week he started avoiding my messages phone calls and text messages.... and then he writes me telling me your a great girl but i dont think i can give you the attention you deserve plus the fact that we live in different states and are different stages in our lives...... please can someone tell me what he is trying to say? and then he says i hope we can still remain friends..... men are so confusing sometimes...




  1. He says that this long distance relationship is too much maintenance and doesn't want to hurt you when things don't work out, so he's trying to let you go. So I'd just try to get over him. :/

  2. He is telling you that he's not that into you - read the book, it's excellent.  Either he thinks you are too demanding or he plain old doesn't want to have to play the role of boyfriend; in either case he thinks dating you would require too much of his time and energy.  You don't want a guy like that!  You want a guy who is head over heels for you.  Now get off the computer and go find one! :)

  3. I'm not going to lie that usually means he likes another girl.

  4. He says that because he lives in another place and you deserve someone who is always there for you. he can't give the attention you deserve because he is far away.

    I think you should still be friends with him and move on.

    find someone near you.

  5. hmm

  6. He's basically saying that he just doesn't have the time to answer and send you all these messages, and he doesnt want you to think hes avoiding you on purpose. Hes letting you know he likes being your friend, but doesnt want it to go any further than it currently is.

    answer mine if you want xP;...

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