
What exactly does "CARVING" mean in snowboarding?

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What exactly does "CARVING" mean in snowboarding?




  1. A carved turn is one where there is no sideways sliding at all.  The track you leave in the snow is more like a pencil line when you carve and more like a brush stroke when you slide.  Staying on edge gives you more speed.  This makes sense because you waste  energy when your board slides sideways against the snow - like putting on the brakes with every turn.

  2. turning where you lean the board and snow flies evrywhere

  3. Carving involves utilizing your edges for more response and I'm not sure how much, but I've heard for more speed.  The general turn is a skidded turn where part you also use your base and use your back foot a bit to push the back side around.  In a carve, you ride up onto your heels or toes without moving the rest of your foot.

    You could also use your upper body a bit in a skidded turn, but you don't really use it in a carve.

    If you're carving it'll feel different and you'll be tracing a narrow line compared to a flat area of a skidded turn.  It's a lot more edgy and you'll need more speed.

  4. First your snowboard has a side cut and essentially you are making a turn by only utilizing the shape of the board through out the turn. The turn will not be skidded in any manner rather you will feel more locked into your turn since your using the board to aid in the turn. Yes you will leave a distinct mark in the snow but thats only the glory part of the turn. Simply leaning your way into the turn can cause problems. Mainly how do you transition into your next turn. The Carve is the same downhill movement as a skidded turn but instead of the board sliding through the turn your keeping more weight onto your edge allowing the shape of the board to make the turn. The hardest part of a carved turn of staying with the turn. Most people will initiate the turn but once they get locked into it they freak out revert back to a skidded turn. The board will come around and by transferring your weight towards the center of the board just past the half way point of your turn you will be able to start to initiate your next turn. There are two main ways body position wise to make a carved turn. 1. inclination: where your entire body leans into the turn but this position is very static and you may find yourself bouncing through the turn since you will since be flexed to absorb any small bump 2. Angulation in which you create angle through out your body which aided in recovery if you should get into to trouble.  Carving can be fun but make sure its not too icey or crowded when you learn, either of those factors can make it very difficult to learn. But above all make sure you can safely make a turn down blue terrain before you go any try carving, its a slightly more advanced turn which most resorts would classify as a level 4 lesson.

  5. Carving is a form of turning where you "carve" either your heel or toe edge into the snow.  If you aren't sure if you are carving or not, look at the trails you make from your turns.  If they are a narrow, curved line about the thickness of your snowboard, then you are carving.  Generally you need more speed to carve than to turn regularly.

  6. Well...

    Your turning and you dont bump around you just swurve in and out. Kinda sharp turns. I would send you a video of me snowboarding and i could show you but i cant do that on here =\

  7. Its basically just turning without skidding at all.  It is staying on your edge.  If you look back up, and only see a thin line where your track is, you are carving.  

    People make a big deal about it, but its really not that hard, or that big of a deal.  

    It is a lot of fun in deep pow though.

  8. this website can explain it pretty good..........

  9. It is a form of turning that allows you to keep up your speed. It forms a very thin line in the snow and is done by basically sitting on air or the reverse.

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