
What exactly does strenghth training mean?

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what is a good strenghth training routine i can apply after having baby...i need to gain strength again




  1. This is the wrong place to ask this question.  None of us know your physical capabiities.  Your DOCTOR is the proper person to start with.  He can give you advice and steer you to a good trainer or some good literature that will help.  

  2. working your muscles not to be nasty but body builders use 3 or 4 oz. weights to make their pepe stronger

  3. It usually means weight bearing exercise.

  4. Usally it is lots of weights and sprint strenghting

    like weight lifting three times a week and swimming in the pool the other three times doing ( an example) as a main set

    20/25 all out sprint on :30

    10/50 hard to sprint on :50

    4/ 100 all out on 1:50

    and so on... lots of short fast repititions

  5. Use small weights.(like 1 lb or 2 lb) Just do basic exercises like arm curls.

  6. endurance and training.

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