
What exactly does the USDA do?

by  |  earlier

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i know they take care of plant animal diseases, help farmers, etc, but i dont know what they actually do. the recalled the beef recently, so they have the power to do that. could anyone give me some info on it? i tried but its just c**p and it really doesnt tell me any info.




  1. Waste my and others hard earned money!!!


  3. manage agriculture

  4. they review all accounts of possible misconduct in the agriculture area, they also set the regulations for farms and ranches, their the ones who set the standards for the grade of produce that you eat, and a bunch of other pointless stuff

  5. It is responsible for  making sure that our food supply is safe, but it seems to be overwhelmed these days. Case in point, the recent controversy related to "downed" cattle.

  6. United States Department of Agriculture-USDA is one of the most important sectors of government. The safe milk we give our children, inspected animal products, availability of consumable goods. That's right, availability of food. That department makes sure there is going to be enough food to go around. Sounds so simple. You stated you went into the and 'it's just c**p' well, that tells you how very complicated the US agri system is. Agricultural producers today need advanced education in many fields and the USDA helps those producers do just that and so much more.

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