
What exactly does the Vice President do?

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What exactly does the Vice President do? I know they break ties in the Senate but what other active rolls do they play? Also, where do they live? Is there some special Vice President house or what?




  1. Presides over the Senate, and determines Presidential incompetency. In the event of assassination or death of the president, the VP takes over.

  2. The vP home is on the grounds of the Naval Observatory. Other than what you mentioned, the VP has to stayed prepared to take over the office at any time, so they are required to stay current with all global and national situations. The VP will also frequently represent the President at versions events and conferences.

    Politically, the VP is often seen as the "heir apparent" to the Presidency for their party when the current president's term is ending. There are exceptions: d**k Cheney never intended to run for the office when President Bush appointed him, due to his age (and other issues, like his lack of general popularity).  There has always been speculation that some presidents appoint unlikable men to serve in that capacity as a "protection" against harm, with the assumption that no one would want that person to serve in the big office (this was a common misconception about Dan Quayle, for example, though one I thought unfounded).  

  3. Let's ask someone who ought to know, because he was one. Dan Quayle.

    "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'."  12/6/89


    "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."



    "People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history."


    "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."  11/30/88


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