
What exactly happens when you are 'committed'?

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Voluntarily committed that is, and does it make a big difference over just seeing a psychiatrist? How long do you go inside for? Is it beneficial?




  1. up to 72 hours, if u need more treatment, they will hold u longer

  2. This answer applies to the UK. If you are in the USA different laws apply.

    If you commit yourself voluntarily to a psychiatric hospital you will see a psychiatrist who will assess your mental state and if necessary prescribe some medication. He/She may decide that you don't need medication but a further period of observation by the nursing staff is necessary before he/she makes another assessment in say 1 week.

    If you wish to leave you can do so at any time provided the nursing or medical staff believe you are fit to leave. If they do not think you are fit to leave then you can be detained under a section of the Mental Health Act. Either a doctor or a registered mental nurse can detain you against your will for 6 hours in the case of the nurse (if a doctor is not immediately available) or three days in the case of the doctor. Within those periods of time a further decision will be taken about extending the detention period or letting you go.

    The benefits of going into hospital are difficult to assess. It depends very much on your personal attitude and what is troubling you at the time.

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