
What exactly in specific detail caused Laura Spencer's breakdown?

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I know she thought she killed rick webber but i didnt watch back then i need specifics please!




  1. She thought that she had killed her step father and the emotional strain was just too much.

  2. She thought she killed Rick Webber, she didnt Scott Baldwin did. The strain of her killing him, put her over the edge. He was her step dad and she loved him and she just couldnt take it anymore.

  3. also this is not Laura's first brush with someone's death

    - she had an affair as a teen with her mother's BF-he ended up laughing at her and throwing her love letters in her face- she pushed him and he fell and hit his head on the fireplace and died- her mother lesley later took the blame to cover for her daughter---

    A few yrs later Laura Is set up to look like she killed  James the guy who invented the Ice Princess formula-

    -- later still Laura is tried for the murder of Damenion Smith in a housefire- it was found at that Justice ward did it.- and not the mention the trauma of her being kidnapped and held prisoner by Helena Cassine for 2 yrs- and of course  including  the rape by luke Laura has had a very tramatic life since she was about 10 yrs old

    soap opera central has a good and detailed bio of  Laura

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