
What exactly is 'bud' like weed....?

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How are the effects different than on regular weed?

And do you think it is okay to smoke bud if you have never smoked weed before?




  1. The plant has leaves and it makes buds. The bud is the more potent part of the plant.

    I do not recommend smoking weed. Aside from the fact that it is illegal and expensive. The stuff that people tell you about how good it is for you and all of its medicinal properties and how it expands their consciousness, is c**p. It may not be as harmful as cigarettes and alcohol, that are both legal, but it is harmful. I actually am for the lagalization of marajuana but I am against its regular use as I am with cigaarettes and alcohol.

    Taking smoke into your lungs is harmful to your lungs, maybe not at harmful as cigarettes but still harmfull.

    If you notice the people who say this stuff are smoking it daily and they do not have cancer or glaucoma. They are not using it ceremonially or medicinally and they are probably really boring people.

    Pot is a de  motivator, it mostly robs people of their ambition and energy and makes them want to sit around and do nothing but smoke weed and eat c**p food to satisfy their munchies.

    You want to see a boring and pathetic person look at a 30 year old who is still smokin weed like they did in high school. They may have gone to college but be working a c**p job because they would rather smoke weed than give it up to pass a drug test and get a real job.

    Their friends are all boring and pathetic pot heads because people who have something on the ball find them boring.

    Really, get some more interesting friends and take an interest in your own life. You don't need weed.

  2. OK NEWBS.

    its just another nickname for weed. when you refer to "BUD" it means talking about the buds themselves, i.e. the consistancy of what you're smoking. The alternative to smoking on buds is shake. Shake is just the leaves that have fallen off the buds at the bottom of the bag/jar/tin/case and tends to not be as high of quality.



  3. Around here bud is just another name for weed, no different type. In this case I'd assume they meant is was better quality.

    It's still weed though.

  4. My family is HUGE on weed;

    Bud weed is stronger; yes. The effects last longer too. =]

    If you want a real high try to get cripy from like jamaica; I used to be a big on smokin' & so did my hubby. Anything you want to know; just ask ; lol.

    {{I think I deserve best answer for that.}}

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