
What exactly is Gaelic Football?

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I visited Ireland last year and absolutely fell in love with everything about it and the people there! One day, as my family and I drove the streets, we saw a mass of people dressed in blue heading from one direction down the road, and a mass of green coming from the other way to the same place. We asked a guy out the window what was going on and he yelled "Gaelic!" Of course we had no idea what he meant, so we went to a pub. The game was being broad casted (Dublin and I think Kerry....I'm not sure) and we watched it. I can safely say that it is one of the toughest sports out there, but I simply fell in love with it. I'd sure like to learn more about it and its history, but I live in the US so that's not so easy. Also, can't really watch it on TV either. Any help?




  1. Great game isn't it? It is almost the same as hurling- 15 a side, same goal/ points rule...but it is a different sport! Check out the link I have posted for you. Just go to the right hand-side, scroll down a bit and click on either the Wexford/Laois game or the Mayo/Sligo game and you can watch the whole matches of both of them online!

  2. alan m

    Gealic Football is an All Ireland sport, that is also played in England, Scotland and by Irish ex-pats in the USA, Canada and Oz.

    Gaelic Football is a lot harder than soccer and all the people who play it do not get paid.

    In fact Ice Hockey as the North Americans know it was form by Irish men playing Hurley on the ice over there in the winter moves.

  3. It is broadcast on Setanta around the world. I know lots who watch the games in New York and all over the States.

    You can find out about the history of the game online. Plenty of websites. Maybe you'd also like to know about hurling and camogie too.

    Interestingly enough the world handball championships have just finished in the US and were won by an Irishman.

  4. hi you

    would confuse by trying to answer this question but if you go to you tube and  look up Gaelic fool ball you will be able to see the game for yourself and hurling is our other game here which is far better then football

  5. The previous posts have pretty much said it all but you should check out hurling too.

  6. OMG.. Gaelic football?? If it was soccer, I could get it, but that?? It sounds like playing king of hte moutnain with rules..  You should try Valencia during the tomato festival...  ta;lk about food fight!  want to tie-dye your clothes while you are wearing them??  But Gaeilic football..that's a topper.. (my sides ae hurting from sounds like fun too)

  7. Well really I guess its like soccer but you're allowed to touch the ball with your hands...its not that hard.

  8. Gaelic is BRILLIANT!

    i play it!

    but i know from experience that playing it is WAY better than watching it....

    every county in ireland has a team......some good.... some not so more or less everyone in the county that is playing will support their team no matter what...

    it is a very patriotic

    there is a GAA (gaelic athletic association)

    i would say you could get all the information there...

    some sports stations will show the games too...

    i remember a couple of years ago i went to spain on holidays but i was able to watch the match because it was showing on setanta sports...

    gaelic is a game like soccer...but you can use your hands

    its a game like rugby...but major tackles are not allowed

    i guess it is a very unique Irish game....


    xx =D xx

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