
What exactly is Obama changing?

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He keeps on saying change...but what the c**p is he changing...




  1. His diapers

  2. You need to get McCains nutts of your chin dude

  3. We had the same thing here in Maryland with our governor.  Said he had a plan to change everything. Change, Change, Change.  Never said what was going to change, how it was going to change, what it was going to change to, how he was going to finance the change.  Here we are 2 years in and the only thing that changed is that we are paying more taxes.  He was left with a 1.2 billion dollar surplus that he somehow turned into a 1.5 dollar deficit in 5 months! (that's an almost 3 billion dollar swing).  He then said he had to raise 1.7 billion in new TAXES.  After he gets the taxes passed in a special session (so he can start taxing in Jan and not June) he starts talking about the 1.3 Billion in cost cutting he did.....uhhhh...then why the 1.7B in new taxes???  And now if he doesn't get slots (that the dems blocked for the previous republican admin vehemently every year) he will have to raise taxes even MORE.

    I see the same song and dance from Obama.  All talk, no substance.  At least McCain tells you what he plans to do to bring about his ideas. Not just some song and dance routine.

  4. If he had his way he would change America into a Socialist Country.  

  5. His Huggies.

  6. Nothing. Just like the Demon'crats' during the election for Congress ran on a platform of change. pfffffffffttt Biggest energy crisis our country has ever had..what do they do? Go on vacation for 5 friggin weeks. a******s. dont care.

  7. Our country into Europe.

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