
What exactly is Obama going to change?Please give me details?

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not just lines you have heard him say.Details




  1. he will change my paycheck into a smaller one.

  2. Diapers.

    He hasn't said he would change anything that he can change without a vote.

  3. Double the capital gain tax on stock and real estate sales

    • Increase FICA taxes by 14 points on all income over $100,000

    • Double taxes on dividends

    • Expand the inheritance tax

    • Weaken the PATRIOT Act

    • Curb anti-terror wire tapping

    • Extend health insurance benefits to illegal immigrants

    • Give children of illegal immigrants in-state tuition at state universities

    • Weaken education standards

    • Enlarge health insurance so drastically that it forces us to ration medical care, particularly to granny

    • Expand the welfare state, dividing America between makers and takers. Y’know, enacting some “economic justice.” I think his plan is something like, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Where have I heard that before?

    • Enact a Global Poverty Act, which means you and I picking up the tab for Barack’s ba-roke brother in Africa. Yep, as I type he’s working on having us pay new “world” taxes (S.2433).

    • “Voluntary Public Service” for young people. Or, as IBD likes to call B-HO’s proposal, national involuntary servitude.

    • Downplaying of the terror threat. Terror threat, what terror threat? You see a terror threat? Not B-HO.

    • A liberal out the wazoo anti-2nd Amendment voting record

    • Abortion being available to mommy in all nine months of her pregnancy

    • Parents not being notified when their 13-year-old girl goes in for an abortion.

  4. heres some websites that might help, either way i doubt you are sincere in this question at all since you can just google what he wishes to change and what he stands for...

  5. He will lower taxes for 95% of Americans (anyone making less than 250K will get a tax CUT). He will eliminate income tax for retirees making less than 50K. He will promote alternative energy and science. He will end this useless war, that is costing us 10 billion dollars a month (that we are borrowing from the Chinese) responsibly. He will restore our reputation in the world.

    Please watch his DNC speech or check out his website. Despite what all the Obama bashers claim, his Blueprint for Change (available online) spells it all out in detail.

  6. For one thing, we will have an administration that believes in science.  The bush administration stopped stem cell research.  Even Nancy Reagan is not happy with that decision.  Imagine, global warming reports prepared by scientists will not be rewritten by substandard lawyers like the bush administration did.

    The biggest item will be no more tax monies going to the oil companies....corporate welfare will end!  Then there is the issue of health care costs that have skyrocketed during the bush years.  Bill Clinton capped those costs...not bush!  

    Remember when bush had tax rebates for people buying hummers, SUV....just to promote our dependency on foreign oil.  The US needs to find alternative sources of energy...we will have an administration that delivers....not just lip service like bush.  Oh McCain is all for drilling....that is not the may be an interim solution.  Interesting that McCain will publish his energy plan next week...the Dems have had their out for months.   And their energy plans will produce jobs.  During the Democratic convention, a lot of the Governors talked about their plans.  C-Span showed a lot more than the regular new channels.  The retooling of the plants in Michigan to produce electric cars that would run 150 miles on one charge sounded great.  The US is behind the world in technology...thank to two oilmen in the White House.  Who suffers, the American people.  Speculators trashed the housing market and moved to the oil/gas.  That is why we pay so much at the pumps.  

    Just a few issues...that to me will make a big difference to the US.  

  7. Good luck with your question!

    I asked the same thing a while back, honestly trying to get information, and was attacked bitterly, and told that if I didn't know, they weren't going to tell me, and to "do my own homework."

    To me that just sounded a lot like "we don't know either."

    Oh, look! I just checked ... they're doing the same thing to you! That's pretty pathetic.

    billy d --- this IS the forum. It's called Yahoo!Answers, subcategory politics / elections. People ask questions, and expect to get answers; apparently not always civil ones, though.

  8. Adam wrote "He will change my daily spending by increasing my taxes and give it all to the poor that don't work."

    Now this is RNC's political image twisting at work. I'm willing to bet that the writer would have lower taxes with Obama's tax plan than McCain's.

  9. He's been talking and writing about this for months.  If you can't even be bothered to do the most basic research by looking at his web site or listening to his policy speeches, then why should I waste my breath?  You're obviously not terribly interested in finding out the truth.

  10. He's going to change 8 years of corrupt weasels running, and ruining our country.

    Good enough for me.  

  11. Our rights,Our freedoms will be taken away.Say hello to socialism.

  12. What will Obama change?

    He will change corruption in Washington.

    He will change the bad image GW has given America in the eyes of the world.

    He will change ineffective unilateralist foreign policy.

    He will change our third-world health care system into one that is effective and affordable.

    He will change how many American cities are designed so one needs a car to live comfortably, reducing or dependence on foreign oil, and our greenhouse emissions.

    He will change the unreasonably high cost of a college education.

    He will change the anti-union policies of the  Bush administration.

    He change the "war against science" to make America the world leader in scientific advancement.

    He will start putting Barny Smith (the average American) before Smith Barny.

  13. well considering he is a racist separatist socialist post turtle....

    well you know!

  14. He will change my daily spending by increasing my taxes and give it all to the poor that don't work.

  15. The best that I can tell  , He (obama & his wife ) are going to change how much I am going to pay in = tax's --food--fuel and most of all health care.  I am a middle class American making about 80K a year and I truly think the if the dems get into the hightest office of our great country all of this will come true . And I just cant afford it  

  16. Limitation of nuclear weapons, we wont have them while Iran does.  

    Do you want more change?

  17. YOUR dirty underwear when he wins, and he'll be glad to do it!

  18. Your mind.

    You should have watched the DNC then maybe you wouldn't have posted this question.

  19. You are trying to put someone on the spot by asking this questions. He will try and change things by doing the opposite of what is already being done. And if you think that I am going to list all the things that have went wrong in the past eight years, you are crazy.Theres just isn't enough time in the world.

  20. His voting record shows that he wants to increase taxes on ALL Americans down to those making 42k per year. He has stated that he will increase corporate taxes which will be passed on directly to the consumers; Americans of ALL income levels.

    That is enough of a change to disqualify him as president.  

  21. See, that's the problem.He is  never specific; he just offers vague platitudes. It's so laughable. That acceptance speech is a prime example Google it and see: specifics are sorely lacking.

    I wish there was something specific, some "change" he was describing, other than the fact that he wants out of Iraq asap (which will cause more bloodshed, not less) and he wants higher taxes (so you'll pay more taxes, along with higher food and energy costs).  

  22. higher taxes with draw are troops set down with iran he wont drill he is  wrong in so many ways usa will crumble if he gets in office are kids will have to suffer from his mistakes  

  23. This isn't the forum to answer that question.  Go to his website where he gives specifics.  Also, please start question McCain's specifics too.

  24. There sure are some touchy Liberals on here for a simple enough question.

    The truth is, they just love the word 'change' but they don't really know what he means either .


    if you cant read, listen.

  26. I know I'm am asking a lot, but you can type, so you can read.

    If you still ask after that, explaining it all to you is above my pay grade.

  27. I can't wait till he becomes President, so rightwing nujobs like yourself that still claim MLK and Abe Lincoln as one of you will leave the country....

    Martian Luthur King and Abe Lincoln are turning in their graves at what the Republican party became...

    Hopefully a Republican is never elected again. At least not until

    Republicans heavily reviews their beliefs.

  28.   He will change America from a powerful, rich, prosperous country to  a third world republic

  29. Well he will improve the education system  -  which clearly let you down, as you'd be able to do your own research instead of posting here.

    Anyone who asks this type of question isn't likely to vote anyway  -  so you won't make any difference.

  30. Many freebies,no financing.That about sums it up.

  31. u want details..well here u go..

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