
What exactly is Victioria's secret?

by  |  earlier

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  1. That she's a s***k. A well marketed s***k, but a s***k nonetheless.

  2. Well, If I tell You then it wouldn't be a secret now would it?

  3. that you can be pretty and s**y no matter who you are.

  4. she doesn't shave....

  5. Victory Secret is just her made up name for her carreer and that is her secret since nobody except a few people know this for sure.

  6. The secret is hidden in her lacy panties. Only the experienced know what the secret is......

  7. Hmmmm....good question.

    Now that's what I'm talking about. We need more of these in the philosophy section!!

    I think it's that all of her stuff is ridiculously overpriced!

  8. That only skinny girls look good in her clothes even if she does sell plus sizes.

  9. That you should be anorexic or you can't buy anything they sell. A very dark secret, if you ask me. Promoting mental illnesses ... sheesh.


  10. That she's a man!

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