
What exactly is a Marxist?

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What exactly is a Marxist?




  1. A commie; a pinko; better dead than red.  Only place to find them now is China and Cuba.

  2. Someone who agrees with and continues and spreads the work of Carl Marx.

  3. Someone who follows the political writings and doctrines of German Philosopher Karl Marx.

  4. Someone that follows the teachings of carl Marx.

  5. A mexican that went to college...

  6. Someone that follows Karl Marx.

    Someone that believes in the following:

        * a belief that capitalism is based on the exploitation of workers by the owners of capital

        * a belief that people's consciousness of the conditions of their lives reflects material conditions and relations

        * an understanding of class in terms of differing relations of production, and as a particular position within such relations

        * an understanding of material conditions and social relations as historically malleable

        * a view of history according to which class struggle, the evolving conflict between classes with opposing interests, structures each historical period and drives historical change


  7. The theoretical works based on the analysis of the conflicts between the powerful and the subjugated.

  8. Jess has done a very good job of listing out some of the basic principals but left out one key point:

    Marxists actively PROMOTE Marx's version of progressive social change.  

    The reason this is important is because there are many people who use Marx's ideas and methods but do not agree with his political agenda.  These people are "Marxian" as opposed to "Marxist".  

    Just adding this one point.  

    If it's between Jess and I, Jess deserves the "best answer" award more than I do.

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