
What exactly is a Turtle's Diet?

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I wanted to know what to get my turtle because I'm not a real pro at raising turtles.




  1. If you get an aquatic turtle like a red eared slider, I feed mine mainly floating turtle pellets, as well as crickets, worms,  and minnows, and sometimes they'll eat stuff like greens and romaine lettuce.

    If you get a box turtle, they eat mainly insects and berries. Worms and crickets, as well as strawberries, blueberries, and greens and romaine lettuce.

    If you get a tortoise like a Russian tortoise (they're very cool pets), all plants. Greens and romaine lettuce, squash and carrots, and grass or hay from the pet store.

    This is just to give you a general idea of what they eat, so do plenty of research on whatever kind you pick so you can give it a good home.

  2. aquatic turtles eat crickets and mealworms.  they also need to be fed pellet foods high in calcium and vitamin a. aquatic turtles must be fed in water.

  3. depends on what turtle you have, most are omnivores, just some fruit and veggies with maybe some earthworms sometimes, you can also get some pellets and what not

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