
What exactly is a corn/callous....?

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And how do you get rid of them If you have one?




  1. Their blisters that have poped and new skin grows back over,Sometimes the grows back and its really hard.

  2. A callous is a pad of dead skin, I have them on my fingers from guitar playing.

  3. A callous is a very hard, dry skin that builds up on the foot. When we are wearing shoes, we are applying more weight on one side of our foot than the other, so once you're walking in that spot over and over and over again, it's building up almost like a defence part. It's building up because you're applying all that pressure, so you need to be careful because we want to remove the callus, but we don't want to take too much off, because if you take too much off then it becomes very painful. It's there for a reason.

    A callous should be removed very carefully, either with a foot file or a pumice stone. It should never be removed by a razor blade. If somebody pulls out a razor blade, get up and walk out. They should have over-the-counter foot creams that are medicated. If you apply them in the way that is said - once in the morning, once at night, because it is medicated - it will help reduce the build up of that callous.

  4. A callous is skin that is toughened up over a period of time after rubbing against something. For example, I have cut up my toddler's food for them every day since they have been able to eat solids, now I have a calloused forefinger and thumb. A corn is pretty much the same except it's smaller with inflamed skin around it. To get rid of a callous, soak it in warm soapy water for a few minutes, then use a pumice stone or something like a pumice stone to scrub it away. Corns usually go away over a period of time on their own because the body will see it as a foreign object and reject it. The best way to speed up the healing is to relieve the pressure on that area. Don't walk on that part of your foot don't wear whatever shoes are rubbing on that part. They have special pads you can wear over them until they heal if you REALLY don't want to get rid of that particular pair of shoes.  

  5. According to the wiki, it's "an especially toughened area of skin which has become relatively thick and hard as a response to repeated contact or pressure."

    Corns are specially shaped calluses.

    Sounds like a natural protective measure the body takes.

    A moisturizer- over a long period of time- softens most common calluses. A doctor will shave a corn and then treat it with meds. The most obvious way to prevent calluses is to discontinue the repetitive act that will cause them. There are products in stores that help take away corns.  

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