
What exactly is a deductible and when do you pay that?

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I have dental ins and want to go to the dentist, but I don't understand the deductible part and too embarrest to ask the receptionist.




  1. The deductible is the amount you pay, before the insurance kicks in.  You'd pay it to the dentist.

  2. The deductible is the part that you pay before the insurance kicks in.  

    Let's say you have a $200 deductible.  You go to the dentist and the total cost is $150.  All of the $150 can be charged to you as deductible.  

    Assume you have a cavity and the repair is another $100.  You will pay $50 and the insurance will pay the rest as you have fulfilled your deductible of $200, ($150 + $50)

  3. A deductible is the amount you have to pay before the insurance pays. Don't feel embarrased to ask the receptionist. Thats' what she's there for. Also, you can call the 800 # listed on the back of your benefit card. I'm in the insurance business and have called that number several times.Good luck!

  4. Just yesterday I took my daughter to the dentist for cleaning.  This was free without a deductible.  Many dental insurances cover two free cleanings a year.  Yours probably does too. Now next week I have to go back and take her in for tooth extractions (they need to pull some baby teeth).  Our deductible for that is $50.00 which means the insurance will pay a part of the cost to get her teeth extracted after I have paid my deductible.  I will pay the fifty dollars plus my share of the balance that the insurance doesn't pay when I take her in next week.  Don't be embarrassed to ask the receptionist any questions.  That's what they're there for and they won't mind.

  5. A deductible is a portion of the costs that your insurance company does not pay.  If you have a $50 deductible for instance and your dental work costs were $100, the first $50 goes to your deductible and then the insurance pays the $50 balance (or a portion thereof depending on your insurance coverage).

    Don't be embarrassed to ask these questions at all, the people that work in the medical fields are used to it and shouldn't have a problem at all explaining it to you.

  6. Your cleanings and xrays will usually be paid at 100% by dental insurance.  

    Let make a scenario:

    If you are having other work done and it costs say $1000.00.  Let's assume your dental insurance has a $50 deductible and will pay 80% of additional charges.

    You must first pay the first $50 of the bill or the deductible.  So, $1000 minus $50 leaves $950 to be paid.  This is where the 80% from the dental insurance comes in.  They pay 80% of the remaining $950 and you pay 20% of it.  Which comes out to be $760 paid by dental insurance and $190 paid by you.  

    Your portion ends up being the deductible of $50 +  $190 which ='s $240 total due from you.  A pretty good deal since the insurance company had to pay $760!

    I hope this helps!

  7. The deductible is the amount of money you have to pay out before your insurance kicks up a dime. What happens is - you get the dental work, they bill your insurance, and the insurance tells the dentist how much to bill you. The dentist bills you this amount and you pay it - if it's a large amount, you can call the dentist's office and ask for a payment plan. It would be wise to know what your deductible is before you get dental care and start to have this money budgeted or set aside so you don't go broke paying. (especially if you have a high deductible plan)

  8. You will go to the dentist and pay an office charge. Then you will get your work done and you will get a bill in the mail from the dentist fot the amount owed by you. The Insurance will normally pay 80% of the cost. You can call the Insurance Co and ask them. Good luck.

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