
What exactly is a dream? imagination, memories?

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what is a dream? is it just memories all mixed together? then why do we have nightmares.. is it our imagination just overly active?x




  1. Nightmares are subconscious expressions of our anxieties and the stuff we don't want to admit be afraid of (this is where symbols can come into play) or need to get a handle on being afraid of.

    Like if I work in a call center, and I have nightmares about the phone ringing all the time-- I'm not able to leave my work at my work.

    Or if I'm dreaming that someone is stealing my child, that's my worst fear.  What parent wouldn't feel that way?

    It's those weird symbol dreams that are hard to sort.  LIke if I dream I'm yelling at my friend who is standing next to my dad, it could be that I'm actually angry with my dad, but too afraid to talk to him, or unable to come to terms with being angry.

    Does that help?


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