
What exactly is a gifted person!?

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I know a gifted person may have to have a high I.Q or score high on tests to thought of as gifted but what about those who are very good in something like writing and art for example but not be considered gifted? X( That's what makes mad right there.




  1. People are also not always uniformly gifted in their abilities. A person may be a gifted writer but have average mathematical skills (and vice versa). Psychologist Dr. Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences states that a person can be gifted in one or more of several areas: linguistic, musical, mathematical, spatial, bodily (such as a great athlete or dancer), and interpersonal intelligences. Following his theory, a person could have gifted musical ability and average academic performance.

  2. A gifted person who is someone that has a natural talent for something that comes automatically to them....why would that make you mad...its not their fault

  3. A gifted person is someone who gets allot of presents during the fiscal year

  4. Anyone can be gifted there's many ways to describe it for example some people are gifted in sports some aren't . You can be born gifted . God could have a plan for you that expresses the type of gift you have. Gifted could mean anything like talented , skilled , Amazing etc......

  5. I truthfully believe everyone is gifted in some way. I think that other people as well as that person often hold themselves back from achieving their gift's full potential. What happens is everyone tries to create a set of guidelines for a normal person and when someone steps outside that line they make them come back through peer pressure. I really think this is why there are so many unhappy people...they are gifted in ways that were not nurtured. Now they work in uninspired jobs and have uninspired home lives because they try to fit the laws of normal.

  6. Our schools here, and maybe everywhere, have both Gifted classes and Honors classes.  The students in the Honors classes, like my daughter, are dedicated and study hard so they get very good grades.  Their grades are a direct result of their efforts.  The students in the Gifted classes may not work nearly as hard to get good grades because they have a natural ability (and a curiosity) to learn.  The level of work in both is higher than a regular class.  Don't be jealous -- just always do your best -- that's all anyone can ask of you, and be proud of your accomplishments.

  7. IQ score is the only criteria for that label

  8. a gifted person is usually one who has a high IQ and can generally do well on tests. It really means someone who has a certain talent for something. In schools though it is anyone who has a high IQ and it does get aggravating, because it excludes anyone who may actually be good at something in the real world that does not include tests, but won't get the chance. It is usually completely unfair and in order to be able to do something you really have to push. This does not mean that gifted people are not nice and won't succeed in the real world it just means they have an advantage

  9. a gifted person is one with many skills and abilities.

    Being good at art does mean ur gifted so dont worry

  10. Well if you are gifted you are given a special tallent (dance or art ect ...). Everyone is given a tallent if you work towards that special something !!

    Hope that helped !! x*x Well if you are good at writing or art for example that is called a gift !! xx

  11. a person can be a gifted musician-but not academically gifted for school purposes-

    just because you may not be gifted in terms of a school gifted and tealented program-doens't mean-they are saying you have no gifts-just not teh gift needed for that program

    A studnet sho is academically gifted but tone deaf would not be considered gifted at Julliard music school

  12. That's too bad .you're shallow minded to be angry because someone has talent and you need to work at it.Maybe that is they're gift and you have many more that you don't consider or use .Should someone else be mad at you for wasting your talent?

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