
What exactly is a learning disability and can it be diagnosed in a way that pin points whatever it is ?

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What exactly is a learning disability and can it be diagnosed in a way that pin points whatever it is ?




  1. learning disabilities come in many forms if you have something like dyslexia it can be tested for but most are never properly diagnosed dyslexia is an inability to decipher  letters or numbers correctly d may appear as a b but there are lots of ways of coping including writing on coloured paper

  2. oh ive got that but i never remember wat its called....or it symptons..................wat was the question?

  3. i am being sent for a test because i have dyslexia and they want to pin point what my weaknesses are. dyslexia and dyspraxia are learning difficulties that i am familiar with

  4. Learning disabilities are deficits in the processing of information. And yes, testing can be done that pinpoints the problem. The Woodcock Johnson Test of Cognitive abilities gives very precise information as does the Bender Visual Gestalt. There are many out there, including the WISC IV, which is excellent for spotting learning problems.

    Here is a list of some of the most common learning disabilities that can be found by testing:

    A learning disability is a neurological disorder. The person's brain is wired differently and though he or she may be as smart as anyone else, they have trouble with reading, writing, organizing and remembering.  Some of the recognized learning disabilities that affect reading (and other things) are deficits in the following:

    Auditory Sequencing - Confusion with number sequences, lists or lists of directions. Hearing ninety-four instead of forty-nine.

    Auditory Memory - Difficulty remembering what was heard, difficulty remembering important items from a lecture. Spells poorly.

    Visual Sequencing - Problems in using a separate answer sheet. Loses place easily. Problems with reading. Reversing or misreading numbers of letters. Reading words incorrectly. Difficulty with equations.

    Visual Memory - Difficulty remembering what was seen. Reading comprehension. Difficulty with math equations. Poor recall of information.

    Dysgraphia - Inability to form letters correctly. students cannot read their own writing.

    Visual Motor Integration - Mechanical problems in test taking. Difficulty copying from board or book. Spaces poorly. Poor written work. Unorganized.

    Non-verbal learning disability is a neurological disorder which originates in the right hemisphere of the brain, causing problems with visual-spatial perception, intuitive, organizational, evaluative and holistic processing functions.

    Auditory Figure Ground - Trouble hearing sounds over background noises.

    Visual Figure Ground - Trouble seeing an image within competing background. Picking one line of print from another while reading.

    Visual Discrimination - Seeing the difference between two similar objects

    Spatial Orientation - Loses materials. Late to class. Difficulty with oral reading. Unorganized homework. Difficulty judging time.

    Expressive Language - Difficulty expressing themselves. Difficulty with accessing stored information and turning it into language.

    Receptive Language - Appears to be "not listening". Does not respond promptly to cues. Does not understand long sentences or 3 step directions.

    The last two are considered "language disorders," but I include them because they are often the cause of some difficulties that are similar to SLD. They are usually found with tests like the CELF (CLINICAL EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS,)  EXPRESSIVE ONE-WORD PICTURE VOCABULARY TEST (EOWPVT) and the PEABODY PICTURE VOCABULARY TEST (PPVT) .

    The tests I have mentioned are very common in school settings when a child is being evaluated for learning difficulties.

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