
What exactly is a neo n**i feminist? and whats an anti feminist?

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ive heard both phrases, but dont really know what they an anti feminist basically a male chauvinist? idk.




  1. Some of the people who hate feminists are male chauvinists that are stuck in the primitive days and don't want women to have any rights.

    On the other hand, some of them think that all feminists are "neo n**i feminists" who are evil and want to take away mens rights. But really I think they're just women who have been treated unfairly in some way and want equality.

  2. "Neo nazy feminist" or "feminazi" refers to extremist radical feminists.

    The problem is not everyone shares the same definition of feminism as you, Trenisha. Few would argue with the dictionary definition you are using, but that is rarely the meaning used... Feminism typically refers to womens rights, and not equal rights.

    Many "Anti-feminists" believe in equal rights. They merely believe that most feminists are only concerned about inadequacies that relate to women (ie. seeking to replace a patriarchy with a matriarchy), and not those of men as well. Many are women as well, not just men...

  3. Neo n**i feminist is a person who is perceived to take feminism to an extreme.

    Anti-feminist is a person who is against feminist beliefs or goals.

    edit: why the thumbs down? I never said I supported either one.

  4. Notice how the first answerer is immediately thumbed down for saying the truth. And they say Feminists are about equality?

  5. A feminazi is a feminist who acts like a n**i e.g. is prejudiced (against men not Jews), is against freedom of speech e.g. threats to those who raise issues counter to feminist views (e.g.,2933,1975...


    An anti-feminst is someone who is against feminsm. Many anti-feminsts are not sexist, but are against feminism because feminism is anti-male (see Section 2 here

  6. If feminism was about equality, there would be no anti-feminists. Most anti-feminists support equality. There isn't really any such word as "anti-feminist" anyway, its just a label with negative connotations, the label is used to silence and stop any reasonable debate.

    If you really want to understand, here is a bit about Gloria Steinem and the CIA.

    the majority of feminists have no idea what's been done in their name and cannot apply critical thought to their own movement.

  7. a "neo n**i feminist" is generally a strawman argument used to try and silence people who think feminism is a good thing. It probably comes from the term "feminazi" which was invented by Rush Limbaugh as a reaction to women wanting to be treated like people.

    and "anti-feminist" is someone who is against feminism. They are usually people who are under the mistaken impression that women are already equal to men and want to blame feminism for any gender reacted oppression they experience when they could probably be more effective by actually becoming feminists since our goal is to end gender based oppression against anyone who experiences it, either male, female or other.

  8. It's another name for radical feminists(which make up the majority of the movement).  Anti-feminist are people who tired of lies, hatred and propaganda that feminists constantly spewing out.

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