
What exactly is a paralegal and what do they do?

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I have heard the term but haven't been able to get a specific answer nailed down. I think I might like to study to become one but I need more info first.




  1. Paralegals do everything an attorney needs to have done, except those things that constitute the practice of law. So if there is any relatively unprofitable activity that an attorney shouldn't be wasting his time doing, he'll get his paralegals to do it. That can be anything from collating documents to shepardizing case law to preparing documents and tax returns. A seasoned paralegal, just like a seasoned legal secretary is invaluable, but it takes a long time on the job to get the training that will eventually make you valuable. Clients will be billed for the work you do, so you will learn to work quickly and efficiently - in times like these, clients don't automatically pay every legal bill, and they WILL ask the partner to tell them what he, and you, did to justify the time specified on the bill.

    If you're interested in law school down the road, it is a great jumping-off place.  

  2. Paralegal is a person or field of studies that deals with the protection of employees. They protect employees from discrimination.

  3. Warning:   Jobs in the field of Law are drying up FAST!!!   This is NOT a good field to invest in right now!!!  Reasons:  There simply are WAY TOO MANY attorneys in the USA, very bad economy, people today (mistakenly) think they can do their own legal work thanks to the WWWeb, there are WAY TOO MANY law schools in the USA (and this includes for legal support professionals) churning out WAY TOO MANY graduates for our country's economy.  IF you do graduate, you won't be able to find a job.  IF you do find a job, you will discover the law office environment is:  very political, very competitive, law office administrators typically do not care about the employees' best interests - only how to make more money for the partners, they will work you to death.

    Suggestion:  Go into the field of Healthcare <<< LOTS of jobs there!!!

    Good luck.

  4. The opportunities for a paralegal really depends on the specialty. The most in demand paralegals are those in the litigation field; followed by corporate paralegals who are responsible for maintaining corporate records, articles of incorporation, etc. While the "least" markeable [but the "highest" paid] paralegals are in the field of intellectual property [i.e., patents, trademarks] and immigration law. In conclusion, choose your paralegal courses accordingly, with emphasis on litigation preparation [discovery], docketing/calendaring of incoming pleadings [calendaring] and trial preparation [creating Exhibit tabs, Bajii jury instructions, etc.]. The "pro" side of a litigation paralegal is often "unlimited" overtime which can amount to a high salary range of $65,000 to $75,000 per year, while the "downside," being constantly pressured to meet a monthly client billable quota. And failing to meet that quota, often results in the paralegal's overnight dismissal. It's not a pretty picture. I just want to lay out what really happens in the real world of litigators and their relationship with subordinate paralegals.

    Good luck!

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