
What exactly is gelatin?

by Guest64040  |  earlier

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What exactly is gelatin?




  1. its a substance extracted from collagen from animal tissues....

    gelatin in the food industry is used to solidify substances (especially cream, milk, water) when cold and as a preservative...gelatin comes in paper form, strips, has no taste and is NOT vegetarian.....

    some recipes of pannacottas, mousse, flans have gelatin in them....and its also the yellow sticky, crystal-like substance sticking to meat that has been tinned....

    EDIT : agar agar is a vegetarian substitute for gelatin like the post below says...

  2. used in braun, jelly n other things that we eat.

  3. it is crushed up animal bones melted in a very very hot substance which makes it go runny , then it is put into whatever it is going to be put into and dries .

  4. Gelatin is a derived collagen made from the boiled bones, skin, ligaments and tendons of slaughtered cows and pigs, and sometimes fish.  Collagen is a type of protein that keeps bones and skin supple, and when it is rendered, if forms the soft gel that holds many products together.  It will be found in most commercial foods, such as ice cream, yogurt, pop tarts, frosted stuff, and in non food items such as cosmetics, shampoo, hair gel, etc.  It is the main ingredient in jello and most candies and gums.  You can get a vegetarian version of it, called agar-agar, or carageenan.  Both are good subs, but they don't "melt" like gelatin does.  I use the vegetarian versions sometimes as a stabalizer for baked goods or salads.  Gelatin is pretty gross when you think about it, but its all part of using every part of slaughtered animals.  After the gelatin is extracted, the hides (skin) goes to the leather industry, and the ligaments and tendons go to pharmaceutacal companies, then on to be processed into food for animals.  Yuck!  By the way, most vitamins and pills are bound with gelatin, or put into capsules made from it.

  5. it is a suspension liquid. a collagen usually extracted from pigs..

  6. It's just a bunch of animal leftovers like boiled bones skin and tendons or leftover fatty stuff. It's disgusting.

  7. A protein derived from (usually) pig bones.

    Agar also forms a jello-like set, that's made from seaweed.

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