
What exactly is happening between russia, and Georgia? (could the U.S get involved, and to what extent?)

by Guest57291  |  earlier

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What exactly is happening between russia, and Georgia? (could the U.S get involved, and to what extent?)




  1. Complicated question, I've been blogging on it:

    Right now I suspect that South Ossetia and Abkhazia will end up being de-facto parts of Russia and the USA will stay out of it. Still, it could spread, this is a scary situation.

  2. No Way The U.S.A Should Conflict With Russia

    We are not that stupid. and Russia is not stupid

    Russia is very smart superpower and so is The U.S

    Georgia has made a huge mistake messing with a superpower

    Just like the terrorists made a big mistake messing with us.

    Georgia, looks like they are up a creek without a paddle

    Its election year , and oil pipes are involved

  3. Georgia is being taught a lesson by Russia and this has been pending for some time.

  4. WWIII will come of it. It's quite clear that Georgia started this conflict even though i'm sure U.S media will blame Russia as the aggressor. Georgia is a U.S ally and is trying to clame South Ossetia back by force. South Ossetia is run by separatists who want to join their ethnic kin in North Ossetia, across the border in Russia. Russia has come to South Ossetia aid and now there is all out war. Now I kept asking myself why would a small force(Georgia) start a suicide mission when it's clear Russia would destroy them. Well it seems to me that the Georgian President is being used as a puppet because he can't be this stupid. Puppet for what and for whom you ask, good question. I think the U.S is encouraging Georgia to do this.

    Anyone who tells you different only watches Fox, CNN, or BBC.

  5. I do not have any hopes that either USA or European countries are going to take any steps in order to help us. Their help is that "they are deeply concerned", that's the farthest their reaction can go...

    Georgia did not start this conflict. Anyone with common sense can notice, that tiny country like Georgia would not dare to start war against Russia, our government had to defend civilians living in the neighbouring area of conflict zone, as for the last couple weeks there was shooting from Ossetian side. what were russian "peacekeepers" doing when georgian villages were disturbed by nighttime shooting? nothing! because their "peacekeeping" mission is just one big fat lie. Russia was just using that mask to keep his forces near us, waiting for his chance... and there it is, they got it.

    Does any of you know how it feels, when you wake up in the middle of the night, hearing the noise of warplane, running to the window, trying to notice something through clouds, than hearing the sound of explosion, than another one... and u know your city is under attack again...

    For those, who think that I'm a using CNN, BBC and a source - I am Georgian and live in this disaster, so do not say I am wrong, I say what I see...

  6. I'll try to be as un-biased as possible.

    South Ossetia is a region in Georgia that has been trying to gain it's independence for some time. For what ever reason (there's a lot of contradicting information right now and no one really knows who fired the first shot) Georgia launched a military campaign into South Ossetia. Many of the South Ossetians have Russian citizenship so Russia intervened to protect it's citizens and drive Georgia out of South Ossetia (which they recognize as independent). After the Georgians were pushed out, reports came in from multiple news networks that Russia had begun to bomb areas outside of South Ossetia and have attacked deep into Georgia which is outside the conflict zone.. Whether they are targeting civilian or military positions is highly disputed.

    The U.S. has been training and arming the Georgians for many months/years and some of our instructors have already died in the fighting. We will most likely not get involved and if we do it will not be directly (i.e. funding and training resistance groups) but even then, I don't think we'll get involved since we not only have many domestic problems to worry about but also two wars already.

  7. The US is already involved. They trained Georgia army in fighting and military tactics. Also sold weapons to Georgia upsetting the Russia leaders. US airplanes transported Georgia solders from Iraq to the combat area.

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