
What exactly is happening between russia and georgia?

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Im sorry. Im a little behind and confused. Why are russia and georgia fighting?




  1. And I guess the S.Ossetians are the innocent ones who did nothing to cause all this?..What about the Russians arming them and allowing the S.Ossetians to take pot shots at the Georgians?..

    So im assuming that Georgia is supposed to just sit their and take it?

  2. Saakashvili claims that Russia has been invasive to Georgia and that Russia has attacked and destroyed villages, ports and towns while Georgia loses innocent civillians. He lied about his so called 'armistice' negotiations with Russia, stating that Russia is trying to destroy democracy in Georgia. However, he obviously forgot to mention that Georgian troops are killing innocent children, women and all other civillians, they destroying residential buildings, schools, hospitals, child care, moreover, the attack on Red Cross volunteers who were trying to bring the injured into safety.

  3. Russia needed reason to invade Georgia because of it's ambitions to become NATO and EU member. Russia is afraid that in this case NATO will border it from the south also. S. Ossetia and Abkhazia are only reasons. on 1993 Russians made hundred of thousands of Georgians to leave their homes in this regions and become refugees in their own country. Many Georgians still live in S. Ossetia and abkhazia and Russians by shooting this Civilian Georgians provocated Georgian government which was trying to defend it's people and territory. Russia has a dream to become New world Leader and rebuild New Soviet Union!

  4. To Magda.

    You have added everything, that causes in you horror from Russia in one message. Thats not so terrible! KGB is not more terrible than CIA.

    The situation with South Ossetia differs from a situation with the Chechen Republic.

    The Chechen Republic was independent 2 years (1997-1999). It was terrible time. People in the big Russian cities have been compelled to be on duty at night because were afraid, that their house will blow up Chechen terrorists. The people of the Chechen Republic do not want such independence. Today the Chechen Republic - a peace part of Russia.

    Georgia and Russia already long are not friends.

    1. Russia in 1991 year has supported Abkhazia which wanted independence.

    2. Georgia has placed the military educational centres of NATO in the territory. What would think USA if Russia has placed the military educational centres in Mexico? And if Mexico has wanted to enter into the military union with Russia?

    3. Georgia - very poor country, but spent credits of the USA for arms escalating.

    4. Georgia has attacked peace republic South Ossetia, has killed 30 000 citizens (including children and old men).

    5. South Ossetia and Abkhazia have the right to independence (Kosovo - good example). Georgia has attacked actually sovereign state (but not recognised with the world community).


    I would like to tell you people that situation is really bad over here, but we are calm.

    I'm sure that nobody believes Russian lies any more, the world knows what is going on here, they know we didn't want this war to come, we have children, families here - this is not our choice!

    The war started because osetians opened fire on our villages, it was well organized provocation planned by Russians. In this situation we had nothing more to do then defend our citizens!

    Russians are saying that their citizens live in osetia... this is ironic, if they are afraid for the life of their citizens they would have evacuated them as soon as the shooting started, all countries who care about their citizens are evacuating people from Georgia because situation is dangerous, so what do you think should America leave their citizens in Georgia and make up a reason to get involved in war, saying that "americans in republic of Georgia are endangered"?

    One more question - what were russian citizens doing in osetia, where did they get Georgian vizas, as you know this is "De jure" Georgian territory so russian citizens had to get vizas while living there, otherwise they didn't had right to be in osetia!

    And again comes a question - civilians in Cxinvali died because it was bombed, as you know our military airports were bombed beginning from august 8th, we couldn't take our planes in to air because of that, so how could we bomb Cxinvali? Cxinvali was bombed by Russians, they knew that civilians were still hiding in buildings, but they didn't care as long as they were destroying our soldiers, everything else (including human lives, lives of civilians: children, women) did not matter for them.

    Russians are bombing our cities far away from conflict zone, they can't explain why they are doing this, they continued bombing our cities even after Medvedev anounced that the so called "operation for keeping peace in Georgia" was over - foreign journalists died while city Gori was bombed after his anouncement. on TV they are saying that are doing this because of military strategic objects (military airports, military bases) but actually they are bombing civilians, homes, children, women are dying here, two days ago a pregnant women died in city of Gori! my friend saved 4 year old girl from the basement of crushed building - this is the real face of so called Peace-keepers, this is the real face of Russia!

    Russians are talking about Genocide of osetians - this is somewhat true, because they (russians) were the ones who bombed Cxinvali for 3 days - Cxinvali does not exist any more!

    Georgians left Cxinvali because there was nothing more to defend, russians did not give a d**n that Osetian civilians (women, children) were hiding in the basements of buildings at the time there were bombing the city. Georgians asked for corridor to take civilians from Cxinvali to safe place.

    I'm not thinking of leaving country, this is my HOME, my home country, I'm staying here because my husband, my friends are going to stay here to defend our country.

    It's not about South Osetia any more... it never was, Russia wants to get hold of Georgia, but this pie is going to turn very bitter for Russians, we came to 21th century keeping our language, homeland and religion, fighting with number of conquerors and we will loose our lives before we loose our country, we'll defend Georgia to last breath!

    The only way you people can help us right now, is to tell the world about what is going on in Georgia, everybody must know what Russia is doing here!

    As long as God is on our side nobody can defeat us, we are defending our homes from people who killed children in Beslan, who killed their own citizens (hostages) in "Nord-Ost" incident.

    Truth is on our side and we are more stronger and braver than ever!

    Today as always I'm proud to be Georgian!

    P.S. even now Russian troops are terrorizing Georgian citizens in villages near cxinvali, carrying out execution of civilians in their own houses, burning houses - this is Genocide.. open your eyes!

  6. Even though some answers are very emotional. The situation is simple. This war is not about territory, it is not about "proud Georgians, and evil Russians". It is about money, gas and oil. Georgian president is not better than Russian president. They are both dictators placing their people in a terrible war. Georgian president promised the West and USA cheap gas and oil. That is why USA wants Georgia in NATO. Georgian president  sent troops to kill all opposition in S. Osetia. Russian GASPROM did not tolerate competitor like Georgia on the market of oil and gas.GASPROM would lose a LOT OF MONEY. Sooo, GASPROM invest money in this war, and war begins... There is no "fight for independence" or "returning Georgia to Russia". If Georgian president would not have intetion to hurt bussiness of GASPROM there would be no war..... It reminds me war in Iraq, when US invaded after Saddam desired to start selling oil in Euros not American Dollars.  

  7. There are two parts of Georgia that have always been contentious. When Georgia split from Russia those two areas had a lot of Russian sympathizers in them and have acted pretty much autonomously for a long time. Well Russia announced several months back that they weren't going to abide by some treaties or somethign that were made in one of thsoe territories. This may be linked to the fact that Georgia expressed intent to join NATO and Russia doesn't want a NATO country for a neighbor. Things have been pretty much downhill since then. Russia and Georgia are essentially fighting for control over those two territories. Recently things have escalated to bombings in those areas and some other parts of Georgia by Russia and Georgia is bringing its troops back from Iraq to fight Russia. So most likely this is going to get worse. Hope that helps!

    After posting this I realized there is a whole Wikipedia article about what has been happening this year. Check this out for more info:

  8. Poeple, if you are really interested in this situation first of all you need to undestand some facts:

    what russian army did to the same kind of republic like Ossetia, to Chechnya. You also need to obtain the video of that time, I'm talking about Chechnya. You will understand how savagely russain army killed chechen people.

    Poeple, if you are really interested in this situation first of all you need to undestand some facts:

    what russian army did to the same kind of republic like Ossetia, to Chechnya. You also need to obtain the video of that time, I'm talking about Chechnya.  You will understand how savagely russain army killed chechen people.



    (Scroll down, you will see pictrures).

    You also need to obtain how savagely they were killing people in Czech in 1968.

    You need to learn what kind of organisation is KGB and its leader, today's prime minister (former Russian president) V. Putin.

    Please learn about all these facts (whatever I just listed) and you will understand what kind of nation is Russia, what kind of peacemakers they are.

    After contact me and I will tell you abou Georgia.

    You also need to obtain how savagely they were killing people in Czech in 1968.

    You need to learn what kind of organisation is KGB and its leader, today's prime minister (former Russian president) V. Putin.

    Please learn about all these facts (whatever I just listed) and you will understand what kind of nation is Russia, what kind of peacemakers they are.

    After contact me and I will tell you about Georgia.

  9. Ossetia is a formally part of Georgia. But ossetian people wanted to declare independence. (They did it already 3 times, but world didn't agree) Georgia didn't like it and after all threats attacked Ossetia with military forces...

    8th august Georgia bombed main ossetian city and russian peacemaker force

    About 2,000 civilians killed, much more injured...

    Russia had to help it's troops and citizens (lots of ossetians have russian citizenship as they work in Russia) and after 12 hours of georgian attack send military forces to stop georgian soldiers.

    Now they're fighting in Ossetia:

    -Russia is trying to stop georgians from killing people

    -Georgia is trying to push out russian forces from Ossetia...

    UN keeps silence, US supplies Georgia with weapons and money...

    That's all...

  10. georgia wants south ossetian land

    georgia goes in bombing civilians in south ossetia, basically creating a genocide of the people.

    south ossetia asks russia for help

    russia goes into georgia to fight back

    georgia plays the "we did nothing" card and asks for help from nato and the us

    everyone views russia as the bad guys.

    simple, and sick.

  11. I don't trust any media, because I can see the opposite points in western and russian mass-media, so I can estimate it just as the powerful tool of political elites.

    What is really I am worrying about is that the president of Georgia was unable to start it without any sign from Washington and by the way Condoleezza Rise was there 27th of july, I wonder what they were talking about.

    And russian troops are going from the North Osetia to the South Osetia only now through the only way - the long tunnel in mountains.

    Looks like Georgia was prepared better for the actions, because they have destroyed the whole city if Tshinvali (the capital of South Osetia) within one night.

    Don't you think it's stupid that agressor (Russia) is less prepared than victim (Georgia)?

    If the Russians were prepared, they would smash up the Georgians with no difficulties - it's not a problem for the so huge and powerful army.

    The problem is that one side follows international agreements, and another one breaks international law.

    And I'm still in shock of McCain's speech, shame on republicans with they hands full of oil and innocent blood of Iraq and Afghanistan people.

    Shame on those who are responsible for pointless deaths of young american soldiers and earning money on it.

    Shame on those who is trying to get scores in presidential race using this tradegy and trying to start another one "cold war".

    And the most pitty fact that it's all about money and oil again.

  12. Kosovo can be independent!

    Why not South Ossetia?

    Support Russia!

  13. In between Russia and Georgia is a little bubble of a "country" called south ossetia. South ossetia has "de facto independence" from Georgia, which means they have independence but it is not official. Russia needs south ossetia for the transport of oil amongst other economical reasons and Georgia's presence there is compromising that. So Russia is kicking Georgia's *** for it.

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