
What exactly is happening in Darfur?

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I don't mean to be 'blind' to the whole situation...I just don't really understand what is going on over there.




  1. we are having a big party

    you are all invited

  2. nothing i know of,  then again i don't really care, i don't live there.  but i think their all dying of aids, and they have a mean leader and typical stuff that goes with dictatorship,  nothing new for that part of the world

  3. Sudan has a southern region, where Darfur is, where mostly black people live. Many of them are Christian or animists, and most make their living as nomadic herders. The north is where the government is, and is controlled by Muslim Arabs, who have for centuries traded with , and enslaved, their black neighbors. The people of Darfur have been trying to get out from under the thumb of the northern government, which has responded by trying to kill the people down there, mostly with Arab militias called "janjaweed" who ride in on horseback, kill people and livestock, rape women, and burn their villages. The people of Darfur have seen their livelihoods destroyed, and have fled into refugee camps, or over the border into Chad. The Sudanese government has been trying to exterminate these people in the refugee camps, while the anti-government rebels are probably using the camps as bases of operations.

  4. This has roots back in the days when Sudan was a British colony. The racist Brits favored the northern Arab tribes, and developed that economy, while subjugating the southern black tribes, and leaving them with a wasteland.

    The south has one important resource though: oil. This oil is in the south, but owned and controlled by the north. Many southern tribes tried to negotiate with the Sudanese government based in the north to share oil revenues with the south. Of course, that plea was rejected. A small group, which didn't represent all of Sudan, attacked some government buildings in the north. The Sudanese government responding by trying to wipe out everyone is Darfur. The Darfur Liberation Army (DLA) was originally the main resistance force, but has since merged with other southern tribes to create the Sudanese Liberation Army (SLA).

  5. I am more worried about what happens in America. Let Darfur take care of Darfur or send all the liberals over there to clean it up since they are so worried about it.

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