
What exactly is latent heat of steam?

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  1. latent heat of steam, or more commonly called the heat of vaporization of water, is the amount of heat (energy) required to boil a kg of water at 100C, converting it to steam at 100C, or conversely, the amount of heat (energy) 1 kg of steam at 100C gives off as it condenses back to water at 100C. The two numbers are the same.

    heat of vaporization of water is 2.256 MJ/kg


  2. the latent heat of steam is not specified because you can increase its temperature to any desired value without changing its state

  3. assuming you are not referring to 'specific' latent heat...

    latent heat of steam is the energy required to raise the temperature of steam by 1 Kelvin, given in J/KgK

    it will vary due to nature of gases; dependant on the temperature, pressure and volume.

  4. The SPECIFIC latent heat is the amount of energy ( in joules) needed to change 1 kilogram  of boiling water ( at 100C) into steam without a change in temperature - so units are J/kg.

    Latent heat is the energy required to change some boiling water into steam without reference to the mass.

  5. a given state of matter is not characterized by a latent heat. only transitions from one state to an other one is.

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