
What exactly is my £72 paying for when i apply for my passport renewel?

by  |  earlier

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aged 13 i got my first passport which only lasted until i was 18...didn't really mind at the time cos mt parents paid, but now to renew a passport so i can fly for a further 10 years i have to shell out £72!


what am i paying for?

and why is it the same price to renew as it is for some idiot who lost the passoport to get a replacement?




  1. Just another way the government can make money out of you, as far as I can see you get diddley for your money

  2. That is a hidden tax. That money goes into the general funds and they blow it just like they did all the other money you gave them. Over a year they make billions on hidden taxes.

    After you pay all the taxes on products, income, property, gas etc they get about 50% or more of you paycheck.

    tea party time.

  3. Your subsidizing the new oppressive n**i ID cards

  4. greedy people

  5. You paying to bend over, touch your toes and get shafted by the government again.

  6. I had to pay £51.00 just because i got married and changed my name, rip-off, and it's gone up again to £72.00 OMG

  7. about two pounds for admin of your passport,

    the other seventy quid go's into help the illegal get settled fund,which will be defunct-ed when we are cajoled into the back door of Europe then it will be for those caught fiddling their expense's while work for non referendum under any circumstances party, Next question please.

  8. You're paying for a bit of a government official's salary.

    You know that the government sucks useless money out of its citizens!

  9. Your paying for the end of the year beer keg for the New Years party.  Didn't you know?

  10. For some jumped up filofax to have his 14th holiday this year mate.

  11. At 7 pounds  an hour - that pays for 10 hours of someone's salary - thats all.

    Or it pays 12 pounds an hour for someone to spend 6 hours working on your passport.

  12. I just had to renew my 17 year old's passport and I thought why is it so expensive now? The fee seems to have increased exponentially since I last renewed a passport. I can't believe it takes so much manual effort to process an application form that it warrants £72. Just another example of our civil servant/government's wastefulness I reckon.

    If anyone can provide a breakdown of the cost I'd be very interested to see the financial justification.

  13. it pays for the D1ckheads at the passport office to do NOTHING..

    i once had to get a QUEUING ticket before i could approach the counter at the passport office...THERE was NO QUEUE!!

    what a JOKE

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