
What exactly is new age?

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What exactly is new age?




  1. new age actually means a new time... in this case .. we are entering a more spiritual age or time.

    you say you are an indigo child. i am one too. what makes you think you are one.. just go to my profile and email me.

  2. It's just the label put to the general state of mysticism in the late 1900's and early this century.

  3. New Age is probably best explained by a visit to a large bookstore. In the New Age section will be books on several subjects, such as; Paranormal, Psychic, Alternative Religions, Witchcraft etc.

    For a non-bookstore explanation, click on the link below.

    One point; obviously alternative religions are not considered a great idea by the mainstream religions. Don't expect anyone representing a major religion to approve of any New Age stuff!

  4. It's what Baby Boomers invented as a replacement for organized religion.  It has all the warm and fuzzy spirituality with none of the strict rules of the old religions.

  5. New Age is a moniker that was attached to the seekers of the late 20th century.

    The Judeo Christian fundamentalists saw them as competition when the plate was being passed around and did everything possible to distort truth and hamper their growth.

    I personally remember hearing a Priest in 1969 telling everyone that if they practiced TM they would go to h**l because man is intrinsically evil and the truth could not be found within but only without. (pass the plate please)

    Of course anyone who actually read the Bible knows that in them resides the Divine Spark, which we know is the Light of God, so how is that evil?

    Much later the church trying to curb it's losses, started broadcasting the fact that some of it's saints had practiced what we now call "The Centering Prayer".

    The meaning of the words 'New Age' changes with the generation of the person being asked or their stage of enlightenment.

    The churches have changed dramatically in an effort to keep attracting more money to the plate. New Year's Day the Pope went so far as to call for a 'New World Order', think I'm kidding check it out.

  6. the old age way,reinvented by the new age,so they can make money on things you already know an common sense slips back into the middle age.....the younger age doesn't care,because the teenage is so out of control,they had to start over and call it the new age! see piece of cake from the grandma age.......HeeHee........!Blessed be.....!

  7. im sorry i wouldnt know. the only reason im even answering this is to get points.

  8. Oh this is a good one!!!  New age thinking is just a reversal on old age thinking. In the beginning god created the world, ( old age), in the beginning man created god, ( new age).  As people became more advanced and better educated god is replaced with science.  In new age thinking gods need you more then you need gods.  New age looks more to a philosophically answer to things rather then laws that are set down by a god.  The loss of religious belief in gods is in part because of the stupid people that try to put God in a box and wrap him/her up as the perfect little thing that "they" want.  Example: The universe revolves around us or the world is flat. There is nothing any where that said this is true, but people with preconceived ideas try to cover their butts with an unbelievable mandate  that "God said so".  This leads to disbelief in the whole system because of some stooge that lived hundreds if not thousands of years ago.  So once you have a little loss of faith, throwing out the whole system is not far away.  But being basically a bunch of paranoid people we just can't live with out a system of  some kind.  So we have come up with some really weird  ideas of what makes the world go around and not spin off of it's hub and flying into the sun.  Rather then believing in the impossibility of this happening, we choose to believe in something, anything that will keep things in order.  The fact that the universe got along just fine with out us for billions of years seems not to matter to us.  What is needed is a set of rules to live by.  This is what people need because we don't seem to be able to do things that are right on our own.  Even with the idea of an all seeing, vengeful, omnipotent thunderous God, people are still trying to find a loophole to squeeze though.  What a fine bunch we are!

  9. New Age is an amorphous decentralized social phenomenon in western culture that combines aspects of spirituality, philosophy and religious practices from many sources across the world. It also extends into ideas of holistic medicine and environmentalism. It is characterized by an eclectic and individual approach to spirituality, and a general rejection of dogma. Other terms used to describe the movement include Self-spirituality, New spirituality, and Mind-body-spirit. The movement began in the second half of the 20th centuryand originally referenced the supposed coming astrological Age of Aquarius. Beliefs in New Age ideas are found among diverse individuals, including some who graft additional beliefs onto a traditional religious affiliation.Some individuals who hold any of its beliefs may not identify with the term "New Age", and that term may be applied as a label by outsiders to anyone they consider inclined towards its world viewThe New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions from both East and West, many of which have been melded with ideas from modern science, particularly psychology and ecology. New Age ideas could be described as drawing inspiration from all the major world religions with particularly strong influences from the religions of Spiritualism, Buddhism, Hermeticism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Sufism, Daoism and Neopaganism (especially Wicca), and practices like naturalism, ancient animism, deism, monism, Eastern classical pantheism, paganism, shamanism, mayanism, ceremonial magic, and New Thought.Various New Age religions and philosophies span a continuum from monotheism through classical pantheism, also including naturalistic pantheism or panentheism. The New Age movement has led to wide-ranging literature on the subject, new forms of music known as new age music, crafts—most visible in speciality shops and New Age fairs and festivals, and increased interest in the methods of alternative medicine.

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