
What exactly is or was Hillary's postion on NAFTA?

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What exactly is or was Hillary's postion on NAFTA?




  1. When you live in a world made of lies,you tend to beleive them! To be quite honest,im not sure she even knows what her real name is anymore? Give it a few days,and that too will change with the wind! after all, how can you beleive anyone that lies about flying into a sniper fire,when it shows right on tv that she was greeted by armed forces,and then makes the comment,( everyone screws up)! Sounds like my kind of pres for these United States? And those of you that still beleive that your vote for pres counts, than she is the person for you!!!

  2. It depends on where she is, and what the political season is.

    When she was first lady she was for it, now that it has had failures in some states, and she's running for president she is against it.

  3. Which way is the wind blowing? Thats her position.

  4. whatever she thinks we want to here that month.

  5. I bet she doesn't even know what each of the letters stands for.

  6. To find out just go back and look at what the polls were reading that particular day

    and what state Hillary was lieing to us from at the time

    Do you remember labor day back in 92

    when Bubba was in MI campaigning in the morning

    telling everyone there he was against the free trade deal that had been negotiated

    then in the afternoon when he was in TX

    golly gee he was all for the free trade deal then

    Hillary had the same position on NAFTA as Bill

    After all they are a political tag team

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