
What exactly is "natural flavors" in food and drinks?

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After I've learned what terrible ingredients some companies put into their food, which can s***w up the body, I began to eat and drink, as much as natural and organic food and drink as possible. However, I've noticed that on some food and drinks that claim to be "100% All Natural", one of the ingredients is "natural flavors". What the h**l. That really pisses me off, because "natural flavors", could be ANYTHING! The FDA, for example, hasn't labeled high fructose corn syrup as a synthetic, since it's created by machinery, but it's still made from corn. HFCS is terrible for you, so when I see "natural flavors" that could be HFCS too! What is "natural flavors"? (and don't say it's flavors that are natural, that's pretty obvious).




  1. HFCS cannot be listed under "natural flavors" since it's not a flavoring. However, natural flavors can include almost anything, provided it is a flavoring that is of natural origin.

    I would agree with you that a "100% natural" label really doesn't mean very much. I would not give that very much weight when making food buying decisions. You are absolutely right to read the ingredients.

    However, there really isn't anything that could be listed under "natural flavors" that a typical person needs to be worried about. The only issue with them really is if you're severely allergic to them.

    The thing that bothers me the most is when the ingredients list says "good ingredient, other good ingredient, and/or really bad ingredient". In this case, you have no idea how much, if any, of the really bad ingredient is present. This is common in lists of healthy oils with a single really unhealthy saturated fat.

    My best advice to you is to vote with your feet. If the label doesn't give you enough information to assure yourself that the product is something you want to eat, don't buy it. Consider sending a letter or making a phone call to let the manufacturer know why.

  2. flavours

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