
What exactly is scrap leather?

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There is some kind of leather factory called Roots ( They said they used 100% scrap leather. What does that mean exactly? Is it fake leather or something?




  1. Picture a square of leather.  Then cut out a shape that looks like a jacket.  The material left over is scrap leather.  You can then stitch the scrap pieces together and get a coat that looks like Frankenstein might wear.

  2. I would normally say that scrap leather is the leather that is left over from creating a leather product. It may have been rejected because it was not of high enough quality, like for a purse, or something that must look good, or it may just be unable to be used further in the manufacturing process due to its dimensions or it may be to small, to stiff, etc. It may also contain spots or inconsistencies of texture or color, making it unsuitable for the product. Many different problems can come up. Leather is from the hide of an animal, like a cow which I think you probably know.

  3. No, what it is, is  a collection of leather pieces which are too small to sell by the linear foot, or is too badly blemished to sell, but is perfectly suitable to make small leathercraft projects.

  4. scraps of leather....duh! little pieces of leather

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