
What exactly is studing abroad?

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Is it going to college overseas? If so how would I go about doing this? Im a freshman and this idea seems cool to me so if anybody thats done it themselves tell me how they got there?




  1. Yes, studying abroad is studying overseas. There are different types like student exchange with your home institution or just finding a program to do it.

    Just google study abroad. There are thousands of programs out there to different countries and for different areas of study.

    Also, ask your school. They should have programs or affiliated programs for you to pick from and people to ask questions.

    Good luck!

  2. Studying abroad it basically going to college in another country through a program recognized by your school. Most colleges and universities have a study abroad office that will be able to help you find out more information.The most common type is when you pay tuition for your school plus a small fee, and attend a college in another country. In this case it doesn't cost much more, usually only the price of the plane tickets and extra spending money will be added on top of the school price. For your particular situation I would recommend to talk to a study abroad advisor at your school.

    Have fun and good luck!

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