
What exactly is the Big Bang?

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Like, what was supposed to happen in it, and how do scientists propose how it created the universe?




  1. Don't think of it as an explosion. The term "Big Bang" was originally coined by an opponent of the theory to mock it.

    Around 13.7 billion years ago the universe was nearly infinitley dense and very VERY energetic (contained a lot of energy in a small space). In this highly energetic state all the universal forces we know of today (gravitation, electromagnetism, strong force, and weak force) were all one super force that we presently know little about. We don't know what the universe was like before this point because of how radical the situation back then was compared to today (see the analogy at the end). This super dense cloud o energy/mass was extremely uniform unlike the clumpy galaxies we have today.

    For some unknown reason space began to expand. Yes, SPACE was expanding, not the everything getting farther apart. This is why it is incorrect to compare the Big Bang to an explosion. The growth of space in between the newly forming subatomic particles that made up the primordial haze pushed individual photons and matter apart. For some other unknown reason despite the universe being perfectly uniform the particles began to clump and become a complex system instead of a every thinning cloud of hydrogen and helium. These clumps became galaxies. Voila, our universe as we see it today.

    Analogy: The reason we don't know what was going on before the Big Bang is because the Big Bang was such an extreme event. Lets say the universe is a sheet of origami paper folded to look like a crane. If I were to unfold it and then refold it into the shape of a turtle an intelligent observant person could figure out it was once a crane by the fold marks on the turtles sides. This is how we know what the past was like without ever seeing it. We use evidence (the folds) to come up with  logical conclusions. Now, lets say I unfold the turtle, crumple it up, rip it apart, set it on fire, turn the ashes into a new sheet of paper, and then refold it into another shape... no matter how smart or observant a person is they will never be able to tell what shapes the paper was before that event.

    Sorry about the length.

  2. The Big Bang theory teaches that the Universe was once an Infinitely small, Infinitely dense singularity which expanded & cooled rapidly during the very first moments of the Universe, and created time, space, matter and energy. The Universe continues expanding today, though not as rapid

  3. The thing that REALLY happened.

    It says that the universe was smaller than an atom, and suddenly exploded. IT IS the REAL way THE UNIVERSE was created.

  4. It's just a phantom of unbelievables.How could humans originate from radiation an dusts?How could plants be formed from dust an radiation?How did the whole universe form without a supernatural?How can dust an ice form without first existing fromsomewhere?How could the universe be designed by dust an dirty ice or any others?Big bang is just going to be a myth an nothing more because it can not even explain itself but it just corruputes ppl to believe they  existed on their own.

  5. The scientists think that it created the universe somehow, so, I guess NOBODY KNOWS!

  6. what happened: explosion, then universe was born

    how created: combination of heat, explosive force, cosmic dust

    this is what I remember from school, but do extra research.

    Also, it's a theory so you can always reject it and say God did it.

  7. This is an answer when you just simply don't know but are not willing to admit it. For example the court tries a person for murder for which there is many eye witnesses but concludes it could have been a mean spirited monkey millions of years ago that passed his dna to this person and therefore it's not really that person that commited the crime but the monkey. The Bible speaks of a people in the end time that is ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. What can we expect next?  james the hollow earth man

  8. the theory is still incomplete but so far it goes:

    the universe was once compressed into a very small space that was infinitly hot (by that I mean we dont have a number big enough) and the gravity, the strogn and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetism were all 1 like super force I guess. then that ball exploded outwards giving birth to the current universe

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