
What exactly is the easter bunny supposed to be?

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Is it a guy in a bunny costume? A bunny that lays eggs around in the yard? A bunny that steals chicken eggs, colors them and hides them? Are there lots of bunnies, or just one easter bunny that covers the world? Is it supposed to talk? I don't know what to teach my kid about the easter bunny.

Santa Clause is pretty straight forward, but the Easter Bunny doesn't make sense to me. They need more Easter Bunny movies so I would know this stuff.




  1. Wush..What you need to do is get your kids a bunny & let it lay it's little "Easter Eggs" ALL OVER THE HOUSE!!! LOL.... I guess you can tell them that there's a "special" bunny with  "magical powers" that causes it's @#$% to turn into candy or real eggs. LOL..I'm kidding. You need to go to the library and get a book on it..or on Peter Cottontail..But then ..knowing a LITTLE about might not  approve of your kids believing in magical things.I don't remember it causing me any emotional damage when I found out these things weren't true (maybe at an early age  they might have..if I'd been told then..or realized it). I don't know if God considers these to be lies...or not. (But then we also make up things about the "Birds & the Bees".  I hate to see kids missing out on these experiences. I ESPECIALLY hate to see kids telling other kids that 'there's no such thing'.....because their parents told them it wasn't true. So I have no idea where to draw the line.  It's a little late for you to go to the library..unless you RUN..REALLY FAST!!!  lol Even though my son's kids know it isn't 15...THEY still pretend. I think they know we enjoy hiding the eggs..and they enjoy the eggs & candy and sometimes toys!! Hope you & your family have a Happy,Blessed Easter!

  2. kind of like Santa, only with fur, long ears, and decorated eggs.  both rabbits and eggs are pagan symbols of fertility and renewal of life for spring.  there are kids' books at the library you both could read.

  3. Although the meaning of the Easter bunny has been one of the most highly recognized symbols in the U.S. for years, most of us don't think twice about this cheerful animal that brings happiness to children every year. The Easter bunny represents much more than egg hunts, church and multi-colored candies. To find the origins of this popular holiday character we must look back through history.

    Before christians merged their beliefs with reluctant pagans, spring was a time of celebration and worship. The spring festival was held for the Saxon goddess Eastre, who is also known as Ostara. This holiday was strangely close to the christians resurrection of Christ. As legend has it, Ostara turned her pet bird into a hare and had it lay colorful eggs for the children's entertainment. This holiday was especially important to pagans because day and night were equal on this holiday, which to them meant the male and female energies were also equal. Not only that, but the eggs we often see actually symbolize fertilization and rebirth, and have symbolized this since before the ancient Greeks and Romans used them. The hare symbolizes the moon, which now determines the date Easter is celebrated.

    The German culture, during the 1500's, are also credited for this recognizable symbol. In Germany, Oschter Haws would lay colored eggs for the children of the village. Children would build and hide their nests in secret places and wait until morning. Girls would use their bonnets to make these nests, and boys would use their caps. This holiday was brought to America in the Pennsylvania area. The first edible Easter bunnies, which were made of sugar and pastry, came from Germany also, in the 1800's.

    Before 325 A.D., Easter was celebrated on various days of the week. Emporer Constantine created the Council of Nicaea. This council then issued that Easter was to be on the first Sunday after the first full moon. This is how Easter Sunday came to be.

  4. well the Easter bunny..... as I imagined, is a really tall bunny that walks like a human, it hides the eggs and the only reason it has to hide them is because the Easter rabbit will come and eat them all............. yeah....

  5. The Easter Bunny is actually a Pookah.They are invisible to most of us.Yes,that's right the Easter Bunny is invisible,mostly.For more information see the great movie"Harvey".I've heard the real Easter Bunny stars in the movie.Mr Stewart actually agreed to a hiatus during filming.It was around Easter so who knows.Thanks for a great question.It's a welcome change from ghost stories and phony superpower tales.

  6. A pagan symbol of fertility as is the egg.

  7. Rofl! I think it's hillarious you mention the easter bunny in the paranormal phenomena section! Hehe :P

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