
What exactly is the mark/sign of the beast that religious people talk about?

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What is the beast? I heard a long time ago in the beginning of the internet, that the internet is the mark of the beast. Is this true?




  1. The Beast is the name of a global conspiracy where all computers are connected onto a mainframe which stores all your personal details for the evil ones to send you stuff you dont want and charge you late fees on videos you never even rented.  

  2. It's not for certain exactly.. Many Christian scholars have speculated of it being a implanted Chip.. Some saying a tattoo.. Their not sure.

  3. no it isnt the will be on the skin probably after the Christians are raptured....cuz ppl wont be able to eat without it...Satan will demand worship..

  4. The book of Revelation is a book of signs.  And, as we know, Satan, is very subtle.  There are many things that this could mean.  Will we see people running around with 666 on their forehead?  it could happen but I really think it will be more subtle than that.  The most important thing is to have Christ as your protection because if you do see this age, you will want him as your protection.

  5. I think you're really dealing with a paranoid mind when you are dealing with people that say things like that.

    They tend to be far-right Christians too.  And in my experience they're talking about barcodes or computer chips.

  6. It is anything that doesn't agree with the Christian brand in question...!!!

  7. this is the mark of the beast, of true evil.

        it's scary

  8. Hello, Jitterbug:

    The Bible interprets itself, and we can get a peek of the "mark" in Ezekiel   9:4  

    "And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.  

      9:5   And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:  

      9:6   Slay utterly old [and] young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom [is] the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which [were] before the house."

    There are two marks in Revelation, and the saints receive a mark in their forehead. So we see that those sensitive to sin, who abhor what's going on in this world will be saved.

    Those who transgress without violating conscience will be lost. You see, corruption marks the psyche and disqualifies one for residency with holy angels. So it was in the destruction of the tribe of Benjamin. The inhabitants of the city refused to surrender those who wanted to s*x a visitor, and raped and murdered his concubine.

    Those who love the Lord show who resides within by their obedience to His commandments, while the lost transgress freely.

    There is a website that discusses this very principle at:

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua

  9. the mark of the beast is a mark that "the beast" who is called the anti-Christ is supposed put into place... it will be a mark that is placed on your forehead or right hand and will either be the name of the beast or the number of his name (666) the beast will make it so that anyone who does not have it will not be able to buy or sell anything at the halfway point of the 7 year tribulation and soon after will make it so that anyone who is caught without one will have the option of either taking it or be killed...

    " I heard a long time ago in the beginning of the internet, that the internet is the mark of the beast. Is this true?"

    as it is impossible to have the internet on your arm or forehead (as it isn't something physical) the internet cannot be the mark of the beast... the common guesses of what the mark of the beast will be are RF-ID chips and the new RF-ID tattoos.

  10. I doubt that the internet is "the mark of the beast".

    The beast and its mark are found in Revelation 13.

  11. What the mark is exactly we do not know. We know there is a numerical tie to 666 but what form that will take is again not known.

    What is known is it will be something on the forehead or hand that will identify people and allow them to buy and sell. The other part of that is there is a declaration of loyalty that will go along with it.

    The bible does not say there is such a declaration but it makes sense as anyone can be forced to have it applied.

    Current thinking on this is it will be a micro chip placed under the skin which will be encoded with information identifying the person and what-ever other information is wanted. Such technology exists today and is being tested and used for a number of legitimate and desirable functions. For example tracking people with Alzheimer's and preventing them from wandering off. They are or have been doing a mass test in Florida.

    Is that what the bible is talking about? I do not know but it is technology that could be turned to that function.

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