
What exactly is the soul ? .. how do I know that I have one or not ?!!!?

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What exactly is the soul ? .. how do I know that I have one or not ?!!!?




  1. The soul is considered the mind, will, and emotion.  

  2. A body with the breath of life(God) aka a living being

    Gen 2:7

  3. Souls don't exists. No one has them. They are just part of mythology.

  4. Man became a living soul when God formed his body from the earth and blew the breath of life into him. It takes the breath of life and the body together to make a living soul. One that can think and reason. A living soul is anyone that has a body and they are breathing by the grace of God is a living soul. Since you are living, you are a living soul.  

  5. When God created man God formed the body from the dust of the ground (that means man is composed of the same sort of minerals etc as the earth)

    Then God added the "breath of life" or the spark of energy that brings the body alive, and then man became a "living soul"

    Itdoesn't say that God gave man a "soul" as if a soul exists totally separate from the body or sometthing like that!  Man becomes a living soul when God puts the body and breath together.

    Genesis 2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.  

  6. The SOUL is what makes us who we are...our personality.

    The SPIRIT is that part of us who talks with God.  They are inseparable however.  When the body dies, they go together where ever one has decided one wants to spend eternity.

  7. You don't have one - you ARE one

    body + spirit = soul

    Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

  8. Untouched its the spontaneous origins that motorizes the mind creating impulses of thought and emotion which comes from a language that is in harmony from a single conductor of a huge masterpiece of music from God himself.

    You are the musician that is made to Gods specification in a performance of shear inspiration in glorifying him and all creation.

    The soul is the origin and footprint of ourselves that has always been even before we were born that is enslaved by the mind.

    We all have souls just busting to get out, it is a sensitive receptor that can generate impulses from the foreseeable future

    from God himself or it can be deceived and made miserable from the host that's between our ears from simple logic.

    The two seem to always fight over the steering wheel.

    One is always showing logic that its wrong and one is always

    showing the soul that its dead and doesn't exist.

  9. You ARE a soul.

    you have a spirit...

    The very first book of the Bible tells us: “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7)

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