
What exactly is thinking inside the box and what exactly thinking outside the box?

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hi im 14 and i really want to be something great and different from others. this is a bad idea or good. or should i just forget the whole thing and live s a normal person. these thoughts had really bother me.

please give me some thoughtful answer




  1. all u have to do is live as a normal person ur only 14 and u have ur whole life ahad of u  

  2. I say WONDERFUL! Good for you!

    And guess what?  Simply by asking this question, you are already "Thinking outside the box".

    First, you might ask, what is "the box"?  The box is all the assumptions that things will be as they are. That there is only one way, or only certain ways to look at things. Thinking outside the box means not being restricted by others' assumptions. It means to step "outside" and look at things from a different viewpoint, a different angle, as you are already trying to do.

    I would say be careful with simply saying "different". Different should not be the prime goal because there is far more "bad different" than "good different'.  

    The "box" exists because of the experience of many years and many people. It is what has worked in the past. That is why it exists. It does have value. But what was outside the box in the past, might be the box now because it has been shown to work.

    Part of being able to think outside the box is being able to recognize the reasons for the assumptions that exist and their value. This will help you to see the value or problems with anything you might think or try that is outside the normal "box".  

    Most everyone is constrained in to their "box" in many ways. There are many influences us over which we have little control. It is only in small ways we find ways to step outside that.

    Original thought is rare but very valuable. You have made the first step by questioning the box.

    Having great goals is good. You would be better served thinking your goal to be the best you can be, few become great. But all that became great started by being the best they can.

    You have a chance.

    Good Luck.

  3. thinking outside/inside the box has nothing to do with being different than others. Just be yourself and sometimes you'll be different, sometimes you'll be the same.

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