
What exactly is vegamite? can someone explain it please? Is it just an Aussie thing?

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please dont think I am ignorant. I have never worked up the nerve to ask any Aussie this.





  1. Vegemite/Marmite - yeast extract.  Both very similar, both horrible............but that's one of the things about it, you either love it or you hate it.  I hate it, my husband loves it and always comes up and gives me a big kiss after he's been eating it.........aaaaaggghhhhhh

    LOL   :o)

    Don't by shy about asking an Aussie though - they'd be only too glad to tell you about things in their country - very friendly people Aussies are.

  2. first of all thanku 2 "BigSis" i think it was who said that aussies were very friendly ppl. i like to think that its true. (just keep away from the drunks, they either get angry or co-dependant lol jk)

           ok heres the thing. Im an Aussie. Im a very proud aussie, but i guess i just havent attatched myself to the disgusting taste and smell of left over brewers yeast extract, spice and various vegetable additives. the taste is supposedly described as salty, bitter and slightly malty, but i spat it out before i could put a finger on what it was lol. so yeah, im not much for one of my own countries national icons *shrugs and laughs* im just strange XD i prefer to eat pizza hehe

  3. Vegemite is a vitaman B extract. Its a thick near black paste, that is very salty and spread on toast or bread very thinly. There is something called Marmite, its sold in UK. Marmite and Vegemite are basicly the same thing, but an Aussie and a Brit would argue that. Its basicly their peanut butter, but they dont use it as heavy as we do with PB. Its used more like butter on toast, a thin layer, although, I love that black c**p...I spread it on thick . I love salty stuff!


  5. Um Vegemite is fermented vegetables (contains yeast), but yeah its an acquired taste, not even all Australians like it. Personally I love it though, If you want to try it you should toast some bread cover it in butter and lightly smear vegemite on, but only the tiniest amount less then a teaspoon full, its also good wih cheese and lettuce

  6. Yes, vegamite and marmite, definitely an acquired taste, one of the very few things in this world I prefer not to eat.  And I usually don't discriminate when it comes to food.  But you have to try it at least twice, it's an experience.  You'll either love it or hate it.

  7. Vegemite is marmite.

    Its a yeast extract... you either love it or hate it.

  8. Yes vegamite is usually an aust. thing. Its pretty gross if you dont have the acclimation to it. Its hard to explain...its one of those things you have to try! ICK is what I vote! LOL. (SORRY ALL AUSSIES I <3 u guys though)

  9. yeast I think that you put on your bread

  10. its a veg paste / butter they put on breads & stuff. pretty gross

  11. Vegemite is bloody awesome.. Its good on toast.. and cheese melted under the griller.. with a slice of tomato, or even some pineapple..

    Its a bit salty..

    Its an Aussie thing i guess.. Its good though, Americans eat it wrong.. thats why they say its disgusting.. But some people really dont like it.

    Its just a scraping on toast with butter.. It shouldnt be used like peanut butter..

  12. Vegemite is a concentrated yeast extract, it is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l, very salty and only used in small amounts on sandwhiches and toast BUT i put it on scones, hot cross buns, crumpets, muffins mmmmmmmmmm

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