
What exactly is wrong with being "high-maintenance"?

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She dresses well, she makes sure she is well-coiffured and generally possesses very good self-presentation skills. She regularly visits the most acclaimed salons where quite a few hundreds go on sustaining her skin, her hands, her feet. She enjoys fine wine and gourmet food. She has a penchant for lingerie of the highest quality, and price is no barrier in this regard.

Now what exactly is wrong with that? Is the answer, maybe- nothing? Could it be that those who are adamantly against it are certain women, jealousy engulfing them as they do not look quite as good?

Or if the criticism is coming from certain men, might it just be that they would prefer an easier-to-handle maiden who does not mind her first date being at Burger King?




  1. As long as she "maintains" herself with her own money and does not leech of some guy.

  2. high self-maintenance is great.

    It's when she (and I specifically mean "she") needs 'maintenance' from other people that it is an issue

  3. Becuse I'd prefer a more down to earth gal. I want someone who isn't all uppity and s****., I want a gal to take to the movies and to the park. Someone fun and who doesn;t need fancy, expensive things to make her happy. If you gave be the choice between a hot high maintnece woman or a fun loving fat lady I'd take the second one hands down.

  4. You can be "high-maintenance" with your own money. Not other ppl's money.

  5. Nothing wrong about blowing money up if you're blowing your own money up.

    If your husband didn't work and you did, and you watched all your hard-earned money being blown up on season tickets and merchandise of his favourite soccer team, video games, beer in the pub and comic books, would you pretend like you don't mind if he considered you nothing other than an egg machine and an ATM?

    Yes, most men do prefer an easier-to-handle person, because she isn't uppity, and cares about everybody's finances, and most importantly, she doesn't think men are walking ATM's whose only purpose is to pay for salons and lingerie (Yes, high-maintenance women don't think of men anything other than sperm machines and ATM's). There's a limit for everything. Women who are high-maintenance usually are pretty arrogant and use their men as if they are ATM's. Regular visits to beauty salons, cloth shops and restaurants leaves precious little time for anything else. They usually refuse to pay for it themselves.

  6. My depiction of a "high-maintenance" woman is rather different from yours.  High-maintenance from my perspective represents a woman who values her time, importance and worth more than mine.  Having a healthy sense of confidence and looking attractive are not bad qualities.  I don't have any reason to consider a woman who prefers to have a meal in a nice restaurant for our first date to be high-maintenance.

    My definition of high-maintenance does not coincide with your description, therefore I cannot directly answer your question.

  7. high maintenance means you are more important than the other person.  You're allowed to be hight maintenance if you're footing the bill yourself-then it's called self indulgence which is your choice.

  8. High maintenance people - men and women alike - tend to be rather self-absorbed.  That is a problem in a relationship.  When one person in the relationship operates with an "it's all about me" attitude, the other person either forfeits their own identity, or loses the relationship.  

    The traits of the person (woman) you describe are all material requirements that are easily handled with money.  However, there are emotional demands behind them that can ultimately become relationship wreckers.

  9. Nothing is wrong with trying to "maintain" yourself...the problem comes when cultivating and presenting an image of how you want to be seen gets in the way of you finding out who you really are.  It's entirely possible for a person to get so wrapped up in maintaining an image that they loose sight of their self--forgo important introspection, and begin defining who they are by how they look, how much money they have, and how others view them.  

    What's important is to not loose sight of who you are, and to not loose genuine human connection with others.  To analyze how important each type of "maintenance" really is in the grand scheme of things and make sure the things you do will help you grow as a person. :)

  10. If a woman works and is successful-and wants the best-she should have it.  Who cares what people who don't have  it-call it!!!

  11. Are you kidding?

    Who wants to be saddled with someone who says "Hold on, I need 3 hours to get ready" every time you want to just go do something?

    ...honestly just your use of the word "coiffure" grosses me out.

    If I wanted an icky upper classy snob type PRETENTIOUS THING, instead of a person, well i guess I'd need a bit of mental help for that wouldnt I?

    You're just describing being a poodle, not a person.

  12. How women and men spend their own money is their own business and they would be concerned about if others are "jealous" only if that like turns them on, to make others "jealous".  But, what a lot of women mean by high-maintenance is about the size of the bill their meal-tickets should pay to maintain them, pamper and spoil them.  Some guys like owning high-price poodle-types, trophy types and don't mind spoiling them like they spoil their fancy horses and dogs and such.  I date men like that sometimes.  You should see how much fun they have buying matching stuff for their horses and broads.  One guy loved dyeing his horses' tails, his wive's hair and their poodles' hair all the same color.  He even bought them matching ankle bracelets, the wives, his favorite horses and the wives' dogs.  lol.  I liked the dogs, especially the pink ones.  He's a famous movie producer, well, made one famous cult hit.  He knew I wasn't that kind of woman, even though I was dirt poor then when we actually dated, and he treated me better than the horses, as a true friend.  We have remained friends for over twenty years now through four poodle high-maintenance wives and whenever we see each other we just uncover an old dunebuggy of his and tear up sanddunes for two days and have fun.  I'm a cheap date.  But, I've gotten MUCH more from him in true and profound friendship than any of his wives ever did, that's for sure.

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