
What exactly would happen if we didn't save Earth?

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Please don’t give me the, “We’re all going to die…” Yeah. Exactly what will the consequences be and how will it affect humans?




  1. Save Earth?

    I think you mean "Save Humanity".

    The Earth will be here, no matter how badly we mess it up.  We could set off every nuclear device on the planet, killing all life on Earth...but Earth wouldn't blink twice.  In a few million years, when the radiation had calmed down a bit, life just might emerge again.

    Look...either the human race is an evolutionary dead-end or it's not.  It won't really affect the Universe in any way, shape or form if we all die.  And it won't really affect the Universe if we live.  So, in answer to your question:  Nothing.

  2. We need not save the earth. If we do not spoil the earth it will not die.

  3. there would be no more earth.

  4. The Earth will still continue doing and going its way, whether it is caused by natural occurrences or man-made.  We cannot save Earth.  Our past and present, and perhaps, our future efforts to save Earth are nothing, but baby steps.  We can only work to make things and life, better (or worse!) here on Earth.  Earth will always be Earth.  You and I and everyone else will just have to play our respective roles in making this planet a better place to live in.

  5. most of the life on the planet will expire.. leaving some

    insects and animals...

  6. Not "WE" will die,but our future children will suffer and die.As far as what we can do,listen to the news, ask friends,check for information on the what you can do and hope for the best.

  7. well to save the enviroment that we are living in we have to stop the pollution the smokes the garbage on the floor!

  8. We humans can NOT save the Earth.  The Earth will continue to evolve and someday 10 billion years from now, it will die.

    You mean save humanity.  Many would ask why?  There is one and only one way humanity will continue to exist.  That's if there are fewer humans.  The greatest single problem is too many people.

  9. Right now there is a mass extinction happening. Humans are very likely the primary cause. We do it many ways. Sure, we hunted and killed most of the Bison in North America, and all of the Audubon Bighorn Sheep, all of the Passenger Pigeons, and many other unique species. But we have several other ways we are wiping them out. A fungus was introduced from a foreign country that has almost killed all the Butternut trees. The Emerald Ash Borer will probably wipe out up to 25% of the trees in some areas and spread across the continent wherever there are any Ash trees (which is most of the USA). All conservation can do is collect seeds to try to replant Ash trees someday, IF they ever find a way to control the beetles. Dutch Elm Disease took a toll on the American Elm decades ago. Ailanthus trees introduced from China over a century ago are crowding out many native species. Zebra Mussels are causing ecological havoc, as is the Snakehead fish. Introduced species are upsetting an already fragile balance, and meanwhile we keep turning more and more natural areas into cropland, oilfields, and suburbs. Fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, pet waste, and livestock waste from lawns and farms wipe out life in streams and rivers by poisoning it or feeding algae that chokes out everything else.

    But what is the real problem? There are just too many of us, and we all want more and more resources to use.The only real solution is to reduce the human population to sustainable levels. But don't worry, if we don't do it, nature will certainly take care of that for us, and be much more thorough than we could ever bring ourselves to be.

  10. the earth will be look horrible

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