
What exactly would you participate in then?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I'm a follower...lead away into whatever you want and I will be right behind you....

    Sandy  :O)

  2. Puddin wraslin...Wanna?

  3. Nothing that would get me shot.  At least not right away.

  4. t-shirts and water balloons are fun


  5. A public flogging of the Jonas Brothers.

  6. topless hugs....with maybe a few gropes thrown in...

  7. Naked twister, strip poker, spin the bottle... The question is, what WOULDN'T I participate in! ♥

  8. A riot..just to burn off a little stress.  

  9. Total un-adulterated fun,with lotsa nasty stuff  

  10. err..

    would it be too strange if I said I would just like to watch you dancing on the verandah..


    Heck, I'd try just about anything with this crew.

  11. Anything involving KY jelly,

    rubber gloves, and a flashlight.

  12. Anything that makes me feel warm inside ..... or warm in my pants ...

  13. Nekkid jostling w/ you

  14. group s*x

  15. Naked bungee jumping into a lake of chocolate frosting.


  16. Y!A fun and games


  17. Group hug....topless of course!

  18. well, what are my choices?

  19. spaghetti spankins

  20. Strip Trivial Pursuit, of course.

    Suddenly 19th Century Secretaries of State become real damned important, no?

  21. Y!A P&S

  22. i would participate in hugging u *squeezie hugs on u*

    mornin, sweetness!!

  23. I'm pretty much open to any just about anything....nekkid leapfrog sounds okay for starters.

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