
What excerisises to do to become more flexible and better at ballet??

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i have started ballet at the start of this year (i as 13) now i'm 14 and i really want to get alot better and flexible like the other girls but i don't know what to say to my teacher or what i should do?!

I want to be more flexible and be better at ballet?

what excersises can i do and what should i say to my teacher??






  1. I took ballet when I was about threeish, I think, and stopped around five. Now I began to take classes again, (Only one so far!) and I wanted to become more strong and flexible too. My answer.... go to the Library! Believe me, I got at least five times better.  I practice for about an hour every day from a book called, "New York City Ballet Workout" and it has helped me improve greatly.

    If worst comes to worst and you can't get any help or find any books, I would say just stretch your hamstrings and do sit-ups and crunches.

    Now, what to say to your teacher.... Maybe just, "Hey, I've been wondering how I could improve my flexibility, do you have any idea of how I could do so?"

    I hope that helps! :)

  2. Hey there!

    Along with the barre work which you can do at home against a chair on non-class days, yoga and pilates are h**l GOOD for building flexibility and grace.

    And don't be afraid to come up to your teacher and say: "Look, I'd really love to work on my flexibility. What do you suggest?" you need to keep up the communication. Remember that she's there to help you be the best you can be...that's what her job is! She might suggest 15 minute private lessons, which are excellent because you can really focus on the things you need to work on and she'll be able to see what your strengths are. Good luck!

  3. well the main exercise for flexibility is stretching ...... its makes u very flexible .....

    moreover , try dooing some yoga too ....

    these are basically all u will need ..!!


  4. Plea's are the best thing to do. But do them with the right technique.

    You may not be able to do the splits but, if you try to, it will help your flexibility. Ask the teacher how you can get more flexible. (umm....duh?).

  5. start practicing at home. i have to go home and do my splits to stay flexible. try stretching each day. crunches help a lot. situps too. depending on the dance, push-ups. to get stronger calves stand in 1st position and go up to relavay (idk how to spell it lol) and back down. it gives you a good calf workout! also practice your routines. :)

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