
What executive experience did Bill Clinton have in 1992 that Sarah Palin does not? Was he too inexperienced?

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She is the Governor of Alaska( the ONLY state bordered exclusively by foreign nations), she IS the commander in chief of the Alaskan National Guard, has been a mayor of a small city, has extensive background in dealing with energy and environmental issues, and has 16 years of extensive political experience in various capacities.

Why then do the liberals attempt to circulate the outright lie that she is inexperienced?




  1. Sarah Palin, like Bill, is an experienced executive when entering office. No on-the-job training required.

    I'll just say that Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Obama and Biden put together!

    One more thing... There's something I get from her. Maybe it's the heart and honesty of a person that lives on the frontier. Does that make sense to anyone? It's hard to explain but for some reason I trust her more than any other person in the race.

    Any way, I think McCain made an excellent choice!

    Americans for America

    McCain/Palin for America

  2. I think he was governor or Arkansas for longer than Sarah, but that doesn't mean a thing.  She has lots of other experience going for her.

  3. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  4. True, running Arkansas couldn't have been that monumental.

    Alaska has newfound national importance by its stores of

    oil and gas and the complexities entailed with that.

    That's unique, in addition to it's proximity to Russia and China.

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