
What exercises can i do to get some power in by punch?

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What exercises can i do to get some power in by punch?




  1. The way to increase your power is to dial in your technique.  Scientists would refer to this as "maximizing your intermuscular coordination", but the rest of us call it "learning to punch properly".

    Assuming your technique is perfect, are there exercises you can use to increase power?  Yes there are.

    You want to work on your "explosive strength" and your "speed strength".  Note that these are distinct from other aspects of strength such as maximal strength, muscular endurance, strength endurance, and the like.  If you don't understand these concepts, you should crank up Google and start studying.  Knowledge is power (and knowledge can lead to an increase in punching power).

    For example, a fighter shouldn't worry about how much he can bench press.  What good is benching 405 if you punch with the speed of a snail?  Maximal strength -- the sort that is developed by powerlifting exercises -- is effectively useless to a puncher.  Speed strength -- which is "the ability to quickly execute an unloaded movement" -- and explosive strength -- "the ability to express significant tension in minimal time" -- is much more important.

    Exercises which don't include a deceleration are the sorts of things which increase these aspects of your strength.  For instance, throwing (or shot-putting) a medicine ball allows you to develop explosive strength throughout the entire range of motion, without requiring you to decelerate the weight (the ball) at the end of the movement.  Slamming a medicine ball is another sort of movement that develops explosive strength.  An athlete might pre-exhaust their lats with pullups, then quickly perform ten medicine-ball slams without resting in between.  This "complex" is excellent for increasing your explosive strength.  A similar complex is to pre-exhaust your legs with wall squats, then quickly perform ten jump-squats.

    Learning and practicing proper technique is the most important thing, but if you learn how to develop "explosive strength" (and speed strength), and your punching power will increase.  Google is your friend!

  2. ok so u should lift in the basic lifts ,deadlift,bench press and squat but I sometimes i just run wit weights in a backpack instead of squat and make sure to do stretches to stay loose and practice good technique like learn to put ur bodyweight into a punch from the legs up and learn combos good. but one thing i think that really helps is knuckle pushups on hard surfaces and small hop pushups on ur knuckles cuz it hardens ur bones.

  3. no arm exercises will increase punching power, power comes from your legs and hips so pretty much any thing you do to increase leg power will put more power in your punch, but you have to know how to punch using torque from your leg and hips before you can discover how powerful you actually are, just go to a nearby boxing gym and they will tell you everything you need to know

  4. go to a boxing gym and learn proper technique. power comes from throwing your punches properly and accurately. train hard, good luck

  5. First of all you want to get some hand protection and a punching bag if you don't have one already.  you need to gain strength along with your bones.  If you bench press and go out punching some one you most likely are going to brake your hand because your too strong muscle wise and not your hand bones.

    Punch the punching bag every day and maby cut it into sections  .punch till you cant any more.  even if you use hand wrap its still better to gain by punching bag

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