
What exercises do i do to get in shape for the highschool swimming team?

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I never swam before ...could i get a website too plz to see what exercises to do out of the water and how to do e.g the butterfly




  1. sign up for swimming courses at the local ymca or wherever offers that type of lesson.

    after you're a better swimmer, start swimming with clothing on, that way when you're wearing nothing but your speedo you'll be really fast.

  2. If you want stamina, try running. It may be boring at first and hard but after 3 weeks of longer distnace training ( 5 miles storong pace, or even 3 miles) you will find it gets a lot easier cause u are building ur endurance. that is one of the biggest problems that swimmers have. they try swimming and get so tired so quickly. u just need to build up ur endurance

    look at for proper ways to swim the strokes. if you want more specific excersises for individual muscles, go to the splash  magizine website. i think it is but im not too sure. they have a really good excerise section for swimmers with pictures and step by step instructions too

  3. for my high school swim team and water polo team  we swim back and forth 8 times then run two miles and then repeat it 3 times

  4. I've been on a swim team for 10 years and basically what you need to know is:

    how to swim

    how to do the 4 strokes

    before doing swim you should start running, and lifting weights too. Also do a lot of crunches to get used to the strain in your abs during butterfly

    Good Luck

  5. here are the things you must know

    1) how to dive

    2) all of the 4 basuc strokes

    3) how to do buterfly kick

    4) how to have fun :)

    By the way, swimmingis the best sport to take, it exercizes your whole body at the same time!!

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