
What exercises help a person in a fight?

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In other words, what exercises do boxers, or any other fighter, do that lead them to a win?




  1. For boxing, you have to prepare yourself to fight with high intensity for a number of rounds.  Boxers use roadwork to develop a base of aerobic fitness that will allow them to train hard in the gym.  They use interval training of different sorts to develop intensity and anaerobic capacity.  Skipping rope builds endurance in the feet and calves, the speed bag builds endurance in the arms and shoulders, and high-volume core training builds endurance in the core musculature.  Skill training is, of course, mandatory.

    For street fighting, you need the ability to go all out -- 100% intensity -- for maybe 30 seconds.  In order to develop that ability, you have to do high-intensity interval training.  Low-intensity roadwork will lay a foundation for this sort of training, but it is only a part of the total package.  In addition to skill-based training (learning to punch, etc.), general physical preparedness drills (GPP drills) are the sort of thing that helps in street fights.

    Most important: do not view conditioning work as a way to avoid fatigue.  No matter how well-conditioned you are, you will inevitably become fatigued at some point, either by being challenged by the abilities of a better opponent, or by being sick or weak from making weight.  In other words, there will come a time when, despite your best efforts to prevent it, you will have to face fatigue.  Therefore, you will have to purposely work through fatigue during training, so you no longer fear it.  You might not be able to do anything about it, but you can withstand it without panic, if you train with a high intensity.

  2. Its not the exercises its the person doing the fighting look for example the person may be a wrestler taking on a 80 pound man the wrestler going to stomp that little guy because of him weighting for example 350 pounds. see my point.

  3. jumprope for balance in skill,punching bags for harder punches,tredmile for better stamina, and bench press for harder punches

  4. squats to strengthen your legs, bicep and triceo strengthening for harder punches, jump rope for balance, crunches for stomach muscles.

  5. they train in boxing at a boxing gym. if you want to learn about what that is like then go to a boxing gym and start training

  6. Jumpin Jacks Und Cracker Jacks  Jump Back Honky Cat

  7. Ballet Pirouettes

    Toe Touches

  8. jumping rope is the most important for endurance

  9. you can do this if you something to punch like a punching bag punch it and kick it a little, find out the punch kick /grapple combos you can do. then you can do some push ups and a couple of ab stretches and chest stretches. this depends on if your a boy or girl if your a guy  dont TRY THIS!!  you can end up hurting yourself for the fight bend over backwards to try to get your chest area ready for hits. the worst thing you can do in a fight is wind mill in other words dont just swing your arms or you will get hit repeatidly lift up some weights if you have some do some jump ropes for cordination and balance also try a little bit of video games for hand eye cordination

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