
What exercises should I do?

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I am starting school and I would like a nice body to show off, not just to the people but I don't want to take a shower and be the only guy without a nice body because guys DO look at other guys and people say its g*y but it happens because people like to judge other people. But I want to have nice abs (about a 3 pack), I want a little something on the arms (some muscle) I want a nice chest (no b***s but more muscular) and I want the lower part of my body (below to abs) to look nice. I am starting push-ups and regular crunches to get started. I want to get fast results not some 3 week thing. I have the average teenage body but like plus 5 pounds (lol). I want to know what I need to do.




  1. eat food rich in protein and carbohydrates. start push-up exercise, dumbbells and go to gym for work-out. regular exercise makes your muscle  strong.

  2. take some Whey Protein

    take some Creatine

    start doing some Dumbbell exercises.

  3. i wouldnt take creatine...but take whey protein

    Day 1 - Bench Press (u could used free weights if u dont have barbell), Flies, Back Muscle (lat pull down or pull ups), overhead lifting (idk if thats military press)

    Day 2 - Bicep and Tricep Curls and maybe shoulders...then do abs

    Day 3 - rest

    Day 4 - repeat the cycle

  4. First off do not eat fast food.

    Eat proper..fruits, veggies, protein, h2o

    If you try running everyday it should help you with those extra 5lbs.  

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