
What exotic pets are there?

by  |  earlier

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i have a couple loving pets but i was wondering what exotic pet i could get after my babies are gone?

i originaly wanted a skunk, but to my dissapionment, they are illegal pets in arizona ];

by exotic i mean:








i would like to know if there legal in arizona and any permits i might need, but if you cant provide that, i can gladly find that on my own.

im pretty much just looking for suggestions then, thanks! =D




  1. Snakes are pretty good pets, there is a kind of snake called Indigo Snakes, they are very friendly, and a purplish black color. Parrots are also fairly exotic. Another pretty cool pet is an Iguana, but they don't really do much.

  2. guinea pig there cute pets keep them in a cage all day take them out when your ready To play.

  3. this a link that talks about owning an exotic pet..

    you will like it..

    this is one of the exotic pets I own...

  4. Buy a Chinchilla they have no odor and they r sooooo soft and they are easy to take care of they are also great show animals and they are super friendly

  5. meerkat

  6. headghog (can't have unless permit)

    squirrel(can't never have)

    snake(can only have the ones from pet stores)

    lizards(can only have the ones from pet stores)

    spiders(can have all)

    opossums(can't have unless permit which is really hard to get)

    try your local pet stores. The ones where i live have some really awesome pets to choose from  

  7. for lizards there are leopard gecko, bearded dragons, iguanas, and skinks but my best bet would 2 go with the leopard gecko. i would choose this pet because all u have to do is buy crickets and feed him 6 every other day or so but u would need all of the right materials such as a heat lamp a 20 gallon tank thermometers to what temperature the tank is at {witch should be at 80-90 degrees farinhite} a hut and a water dish if u want u could buy some water cleanser's. and that would be it .

    o and make sure u dust the crickets with calcium dust and if your leos good buy it some wax worms but only feed him 3 or 4 a week because he might get too addicted.

  8. go for spiders!!! arachnids are awesome pets... you just have to admire them and avoid touching them.

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