
What expenses should I offer to pay for my 'family friend' escort at my son's 'location wedding' of 3 days?

by Guest66780  |  earlier

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In asking a long time family friend to attend my son's wedding with me I feel I should pay some of the expense. He'd have to fly in or drive a day to attend, stay at the resort 3 nights to attend the festivities and dinners, as well as pay a daily meal and sports events. This situation would easily call for being away from a business for a week that is in the process of moving. I was considering offering the hotel cost. While this offer may not be accepted I did want to make a just offer to offset the expenses he would incur. Is there protocal here?




  1. Just talk to him and ask.  I hope you really mean he's a family friend, and not some sort of boyfriend.  That would be awkward.  If you're friends, talking about it should come natural.  If he wants to pay it all himself, that's fine, but at least you asked and offered, which I'm sure he'll appreciate, since you asked him to be your escort.

  2. He agrees he pays unless you just got it like that.

  3. I don't think there is protocol for this situation although It would be nice of you to offer.

  4. You should definitly offer to pay for his hotel, since that's pretty much the most expensive thing. If he doesn't accept, then try to at least buy his meals or event tickets or something.

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