
What experience has changed your whole life? Good or bad?

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My sophomore year of high school I went on a ski trip with my dad and a bunch of family friends. We have gone every year since I was a baby, so with that in mind I am a very experienced snowboarder. We spent the whole day at the terrain park, everything was going great! That is till the last run of the day. I took the first of 3 jumps way to hard, and was getting amazing air! When it came to the last jump I had built up too much speed. Causing me to miss the down slope for landing. I bailed! I fell back on my butt because it was that or my face. Next thing I remember I was on a stretcher on my way to the E.R. I had, had a stable burst fracture (my L5 vertebra was in 6 pieces) I had a concussion, and a severely sprained wrist. (lucky I was wearing all the protective gear, helmet, wrist guards, and yes a butt pad. If not for that I would have had a shattered pelvis as well as worse back damage)

Oh and did I mention we got all of this on tape! 30ft of air's no joke!

I was in the hospital a couple days, then a back brace for months. I am currently a Senior and still am unable to play lacrosse like I use to or function as a normal teenager at times. The experience was and is tragic. I developed an eating disorder due to depression. And since then things havn't gotten much better, The only good thing is I've had an experience not many people get to have, and that has forced me too recognize the difference between mental and physical weakness.




  1. An AIDS infected man tried pursuing a relationship with me.I thank God his father was there to tell me,otherwise I wouldn't have known what I was getting myself into. I'm not that kind of woman, and I hadn't plan on doing anything with him, but it just shows how scandoulous and decietful people are.I was so hurt and furious when I found out.I thank God everday for protecting me and prayed some other young woman or anyone for that matter wouldn't fall victim to his scheme.

  2. This happened very early in my life. It was during the summer of my 8th year while my parents and I were at our beach house for a few weeks. One day my parents thought they would get some ice cream for the house, so i went next door to play with one of my friends. A few hours had gone by and was beginning to wonder why they were taking so long. My neighbours got a call shortly after and received word that my parents had gotten into a terrible car accident and were in the hospital in critical condition. By the time we reached the hospital both of my parents had died. I moved to canada afterwards and was adopted by my aunt and uncle. With the death of my parents I found my love of music. I play guitar/piano, write my own songs and sing.  

  3. The death of my son was a difficult time for me.  I walked beside him thru the last two years of his illness.  In the end, I went thru the natural depression and mourning.  It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Slowly, I recovered, and no longer spend a long time thinking on it, and mourning.

    This has made me aware of my own strength, and I have gained compassion for others, as well.

    The other event was the "empty nest" syndrome I faced when my children had both grown up and moved out of the house.  Suddenly, the house was too quiet,  I no longer had things to do for those kids. It was a time of sadness.  I remember bawling out loud one day because I felt I had nothing of importance to do any more.  

    Because of the empty nest, I looked for a job, found an interesting one as a card dealer in our local casino.  That lead to a full time career, for 17 years,  Ups, downs, full time work. some fun, some difficult times. In all sorts of departments and areas of casino work, ending up in the surveillance department.  I had experienced so much first hand, I knew what I was looking at thru the camera's eye.

    One thing I've learned is that it is better to not just sit back and feel sorry for myself.  I can get out and volunteer, find ways to help people, and interact with them.  It is thru being around others and doing something useful that I find satisfaction for myself.  I've learned that tho it may be difficult to take that first step, I can do it.  I really can. The results are worth overcoming my initial shyness.

  4. well everything happens for a reason God will have a plan for you, you just have to patient.

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